all time low

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warnings: brief mentions of suicide (not graphic, the word isn't even mentioned)

age: 16



"I'm going to work now, Y/N. Be home at six," were absolutely not the words I wanted to hear this morning. Lately mom hasn't been doing too well. Her work hours are long, she's really stressed out, and it's taking a toll on her mental health. She's just too stubborn to see it.

"Mama, why don't you take today off?" I suggest, already walking over to stand in front of her, blocking her from reaching the door.

"I don't need a day off. I'm all good," she tries convincing me with a fake smile.

One thing about my mom, is that she doesn't realize she gave me her amazing ability to tell when people are lying. Even without having that skill, anyone would be able to see how blatantly not okay she is. Her eyes have lost all remnants of hope or joy. The only time she seems even remotely okay is when she's with me, which isn't often. She's been overworking herself and I can tell it's because she's using the distraction to forget how she's feeling. She just can't see how unhealthy that is.

Before I can stop her, she's dodged past me and said a quick 'I love you' and left. But little does she know, I still have her keys. I've learnt plenty of tricks from her over the years, one of which being how to pickpocket.

I know it's only a matter before she comes storming back into the apartment, and this time I won't let her leave.

Suddenly whilst I'm waiting, my phone pings and I look down to see who it is.


Nice try, my little spider. I saw you take my keys. Check your pocket, dumbass<3

I do as said and put my hand into the back pocket of my jeans, feeling nothing there. Damn, she's good. The keys are gone, meaning she's going to work.

It's already apparent to me that she's going to come back completely burned out. I have a day off school today because of a teacher training day, so I'm gonna make sure everything is perfect for mama when she returns later.

I'm going to start by tidying and cleaning the apartment, followed by going to the store and buying all of her favorite foods and sweet treats, plus picking up dinner on the way. Last but not least, I'm gonna get all of her favorite pillows and blankets for her bed and make sure her favorite move is ready to play on her TV. It's the least I can do, she always takes care of me so it's only fair I return the favor.


As if Y/N detected it, I woke up in a really shitty mood this morning. Not grouchy, just sad. Everyone at work has been noticing too, they've all tried to comfort me but I keep brushing them off. Being vulnerable with people scares me, I only let my closest friends see that side of me, and my daughter. I almost wish I had taken her up on the idea of staying home today, I feel like I can't catch a break.

Which is exactly why I'm sat in my office crying my eyes out. I'm at the compound, it's where I do my work. Me and Y/N used to live here but then moved to a safe house (or apartment) when the Avengers started receiving multiple threats. Anyway, this office is a very safe place for me. I've spent a lot of my time here and it's my usual breakdown room if I feel it coming on. And luckily, there's a very intelligent witch who always knows when I'm not myself, and always appears when I'm in my office crying.

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