easy on me ( part one )

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age: 17



"Y/N! Get your butt down here, it's time for training!" I hear my mother shout to me from downstairs as I'm getting ready. I love her, but I really don't want to spend my Saturday morning training.

Begrudgingly, I make my way downstairs to meet my mom in the kitchen. Something smells burnt. It was probably one of the boys, they're always nearly burning the Compound down, which is why Wanda makes all the food around here.

"It was Sam," she informs me, knowing that's what I was wondering.

"Ah," I reply. We start making our way to the training room, not without several complaints from me. "I just don't understand why I have to train on a Saturday morning. Any other day is fine but a Saturday?!"

"Quit complaining. You of all people do the least amount of training. Even Peter does more than you." Of course she had to bring him up. It's always 'Peter did this' and 'Peter did that' and whatnot. What about my achievements?

"Wait, Peter? This was his idea?!"

"Yes, and it was a good one. You need to train more so he decided it would be a good idea if you trained whenever he did," she explains to me cautiously, knowing I'm not gonna be happy.

"Since when does he get to decide what I do and don't do? He's not the boss of me. We're literally the same age," I retaliate, letting her know just how pissed off I am with the situation. "And FYI, the reason I don't train as much as you guys is because I'm much better," I add, sounding smug but it's true.

Before Natasha adopted me, I was one of Hydra's experiments. I developed powers similar to Wanda's, such as telekinesis, and being able to fly. I just can't do the whole mind manipulation thing. Plus my powers are blue, not red.

Anyway, here I am an hour later, pinning Peter to the ground as I win yet another sparring match. He won two of the twelve rounds, I won the other ten. He puts up a good fight, though.

"I let you win," he says as he stands up, trying to save whatever dignity he has left.

"Right," I say back, knowing that he didn't let me win and that I am in fact just stronger than him.

"Good job, Pete," mom praises him. I clear my throat, reminding her that she forgot someone.

"What?" she questions, completely clueless.

"Uhh, 'good job, Pete'? What about 'good job, Y/N?' I beat him."

"Oh, right. Good job, baby," she says to me and gives me a slight smile.

What the fuck? She barely even acknowledged my win. Instead of dwelling on it, I decide to just drop the thought and go back to my room to shower.


"Hey. You have that big test tomorrow, right?" my mom asks after coming into my bedroom half an hour after training.


"Well you should probably study a little more. You wanna do good, don't you?"

"Mama, I've been studying non-stop for the past two weeks. I know everything I need to know."

"Peter's studying right now," she tells me, hinting that she wants me to do the same.

"Okay. Good for him. I'm not."

She leaves it at that as she realizes I'm not gonna do what she asks of me. I don't get why she's all 'Peter, Peter, Peter,' all of a sudden. She's my mom. Not his.


I did it! I got a B! I have been studying so hard to get my grades back up and it payed off! I can't wait to tell my mom, she's gonna be so proud.

"Mom!" I call out and run to the kitchen where she'll most likely be right now. There she is standing by the worktop with... Peter. Again? And she's hugging him. She pulls apart when she sees me.

"Hey, honey. How was school?" she asks me, not actually seeming that interested.

"I got a B on my math test!" I tell her excitedly, expecting a 'congrats' and a hug from her. Instead, I get quite the opposite reaction.

"Oh. Well that's okay, just try again next time."

"Mom, I don't think you heard me right, I got a B." I repeat, hoping that she misheard and is actually proud of me.

"Yeah, and Peter got an A," she informs me before smiling at Peter.

So she didn't mishear. And she isn't proud of me.

I look at her in disbelief before walking back to my bedroom. I tried, I guess. Maybe that B wasn't good enough. Maybe I should have studied harder.

And those are the thoughts that consume me for hours before I'm finally called down for dinner. I make my way downstairs quickly, being excited to at least sit next to my mom. We always sit with each other at meal times. I go to turn to my seat when I see, for some reason, Peter. Peter is in my space.

"Uhh, Pete, that's where I sit," I explain to him, trying not to sound too rude. It's not his fault that my mom is starting to favor him. Although, I can't say I don't resent him slightly for it.

"Y/N, just sit next to Tony. It's not a big deal," my mom tells me like it shouldn't matter.

I really don't want to make a scene so I just do as I'm instructed and sit in between Tony and Wanda.

"Are you okay, honey?" Wanda whispers to me.

"Yeah. Fine," I reply bluntly

She leaves me alone after that, sensing that I don't want to talk about it.

After a few minutes of random conversation, my mom pipes up again.

"Y/N, can you have more veggies please?"

"I already had some," I tell her, not fully understanding why she asked me that.

"Okay but can you have some more? It's good for your training and Peter's got like half a plate full of the-"

"Oh my god!" I shout whilst standing up and hitting my fist on the table, making everyone flinch slightly. "Shut up about stupid Peter! It's always 'Peter this, Peter that, why can't you be like Peter?!' Just shut up about him, okay?! I'm your kid, not Peter fucking Parker!" And with that, I run off to my room and slam my door shut. I've had it. I'm not staying here anymore.

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