getting older

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warnings: mention of blood

age: 12



"Mama, it hurts," my daughter whines, coming into my bedroom for the seventh time this morning.

"Baby, you've had some medicine, your stomach will start to feel better soon," I tell her and pull her onto my lap for cuddles.

Y/N has a tendency to be a little over-dramatic so when she started complaining that her stomach was hurting - may I add at five in the fucking morning, I wasn't surprised if it was just a small stomach bug or something.

"You don't have a temperature, babe. I think you're okay."

She lets out a groan and hides her head in my chest before I drape a blanket over the two of us.

"Try to sleep it off, love. Mama's got you."


I wake up a couple hours later, my daughter still situated on top of me, which is proven a little difficult since my bladder's also woken up and I really need to pee.

Being as gentle as I can, I manage to lift Y/N off of me and place her down on the bed, proceeding to make my way to the bathroom.

Once I've finished, I walk up to the sink to wash my hands. Not being very alert when I first woke up, I didn't notice the large blood stain that's on my t-shirt until I see it in the mirror just now. That's weird. I do a quick check over my body to see where it's coming from, only to realize that I'm completely fine.

Maybe it was Y/N? Is she hurt?

I hurriedly make my way back over to my twelve year old and start moving her around to check for injuries, accidentally waking her up in the process.

"Mama," she mumbles sleepily.

"Hi, darling," I reply whilst still continuing my search.

"Stop shaking me about!"

"You're fine, be quiet."

A little mean but oh well.

It isn't until she sits up slightly that I notice the big red stain on my bed where I had placed her, plus the blood that's smeared messily on her thighs and shorts.

"Mommy, what's going on?" she asks me in utter panic, tears starting to well in her eyes.

"Oh, baby. You're okay, you just got your period. It's completely natural," I explain in a soft voice and sit next to her.

"What is it, though?"

"Well, it's when anyone with a uterus bleeds from their vagina every month as a result of there being no pregnancy." It's a simple explanation but I'll go into more detail later.

"So basically... as long as I have my period, I'm not pregnant?"

"Yeah. But you don't have to worry about being pregnant for a long time."

That's a talk for another day.

"Do you get yours?" she asks shyly.

"Uh... no. No, I-" How do I explain this to a kid? "Y-you know the Red Room? The place we were in until I got us out when you were four?" She nods. "Right, well they did this thing that stopped me from getting my period after I had you."

"That would also be why your stomach was hurting earlier. Cramps," I add on.

"What do I do?"

"Let's get you cleaned up first. I'll run a bath then I'll ask aunt Wanda to bring us some things so I can show you what to do?"

"Okay, mama," she replies.


"Wanda, you're a lifesaver!" I tell my best friend. I asked her to come after I got Y/N settled in the bath.

"It's no problem. Do you know how to explain the way to use these?" she asks, holding up some pads and tampons. "I know you don't get your period so I wasn't sure how much you knew."

"I told her I would explain it to her but if I'm being honest, Wands, I don't have a clue what I'm doing." Guilt laces my voice.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't beat yourself up about it. We'll wait for her to get out of the bath and then I'll explain it to you both."


"Hi, mom. Hey, aunt Wanda," Y/N greets as she opens the bathroom door, now changed back into her pajamas.

"Come here, baby. Aunt Wanda's gonna teach us all we need to know."

She takes her place on my lap and I cuddle her right whilst Wanda starts talking. I don't want my baby to grow up.


"Alright. Now that you've got yourself sorted, are you ready to eat a shit load of ice cream and watch movies?" Wanda asks my little girl.

"Language, Wanda! She's still a little baby," I scold and cover Y/N's ears playfully.

"Mommy, I'm practically an adult now," she tells me sassily.

"Ah, hormones are starting to show then," I joke.

The rest of our day is spent with me, my daughter, and her aunt cuddling altogether in my bed and binging Disney movies. I think we've gone through at least three tubs of ice cream... each.

natasha x daughter one shots حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن