take it out on you

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warnings: mentions of needles and blood

age: 12



"Come on, Y/N. Let's get going!" I shout to my daughter from downstairs.

We have an appointment booked for her to get her blood taken in half an hour. It's nothing serious, they're just checking for anemia since Y/N has been getting very fatigued lately, along with some headaches and dizziness when she stands up. I just want to be sure that it's not something more serious.

However, there's a big problem.

Y/N hates needles. She's terrified of them, even despite always having numbing cream put on beforehand. It's definitely going to be a struggle getting her to the doctor's.

"Y/N?" I repeat since I didn't get an answer. "Baby, we have to go now."

Once again, I'm met with silence. That's when I know she's hidden herself somewhere so I can't take her.

The things this child will go through to not get a blood test that she won't even feel anyway. I gave birth to the most dramatic kid ever.

Being time-aware, I put down my bag and make my way upstairs and to Y/N's bedroom. I know she's hiding so I don't bother knocking, I just walk straight in.

"Oh, seriously?!" I exclaim, "You couldn't have found a better place to hide? You're the daughter of a trained spy, for goodness sake!"

She's literally hiding in plain sight, under her bed.

I definitely did not pass on my skill to her.

"I tried," she sighs, staying 'hidden' under the bed.

"You really don't wanna go, do you?" I coo. I really do feel bad for how scared she is.

With no answer, I also get down on the floor and lean down to see under the bed. Y/N is practically shivering with fear.

"Can you get out from under the bed, please?" I ask her politely, she just stays trembling and shakes her head 'no'. "Y/N, baby, I really need you to come out. I promise it's nothing to be afraid of. You have the numbing cream on so you won't feel anything."

Still, nothing.

"Y/N Romanoff, if you don't come out of there right now then I'll drag you out."

I understand her fear, but this is ridiculous and we're going to be late. Maybe it's mean of me but once it's over, she'll see it was nothing to be afraid of.

Clearly, we won't be doing this is the easy way, so I make the choice to grab onto her arm and ignore her trying to kick me off. With a lot of struggle, I mange to pull her out from under the bed and place her on my hip so she won't be able to get away.

"Get off me!" she screams in my face, trying her absolute hardest to kick and hit at me, but she is no match to my strength.

Until she smacks my shoulder with her fist.

"Hey!" I yell. "You do not hit me. If you ever do that again, you will be in so much trouble, so help me god. Understood?!"

"... Yes, mama," she mumbles and finally gives in, leaning her head down on the opposite shoulder to the now bruised one. "I'm sorry."

"Thank you for apologizing. I'd like you to put your shoes on and get in the car without a fight, please. You can be scared but not in a violent way."

Taking my words, she does as asked and puts her shoes on without a fuss before following me to the car.


The entire way to the clinic, I could see Y/N's leg bouncing up and down rapidly and she was non-stop picking at her hands. I feel awful for how terrified she is and while I am totally against the way she hit me earlier, I know that this is just a lot for her to handle.

Thankfully, we manage to get inside without too big of a struggle. Poor baby is clinging onto me as tight as she can.

"It's okay, bubba," I whisper, stroking her hair back since it always calms her. We're currently sat in the waiting room which is quite empty.

"Y/N Romanoff?" we suddenly hear, and we both turn our heads to see a nurse standing outside of an office door.

With a shaky hand, Y/N grabs onto the sleeve of my top and holds onto it in a death grip. But, it's how I manage to guide her into the room.

Once we've all said hello and established what the blood test will be used to look for, it's time.

Y/N instantly starts to back away. The only thing stopping her from running out the door right now is my hand holding onto her arm tightly.

"Um, she's a bit scared of needles," I explain to the nurse who looks at Y/N in sympathy.

"Not a problem. How about we have you lay down on the examination table instead of in the chair?" she suggests, Y/N still looks hesitant but she seems to be somewhat trusting.

After some more gentle coaxing, Y/N allows me to lift her onto the examination table and pull up her sleeves so the nurse can take the numbing cream patches off and wipe her arm down with a sterile wipe.

She then examines Y/N's arms to see which one has the better veins before deciding it's the left arm. It's convenient because that's the one that isn't on the side of the wall.

"You have good veins," the nurse comments, "This should be quick and easy."

"Should?!" she suddenly shoots up, her eyes going wide in panic.

"Y/N, baby, calm down. It's all gonna be fine," I try my best to console. "It won't hurt, I promise you. I've got you, sweetheart."

Looking up to me with pleading eyes, she grabs my hand tightly and moves my other to her cheek. I take that as the sign to step closer and comfort her physically.

I keep one hand interlocked with hers, and my other cupping her cheek as I rub my thumb over it. My face is right above hers which makes it easier to take slow, deep breaths with her. It keeps her distracted whilst the nurse prepares everything.

"Needle's going in now, keep your arm nice and still for me," the nurse tells Y/N in a soft tone, just as the needle goes into her arm.

Just then, Y/N let's a few tears slip out.

"Shhh, you're okay," I coo and lean down to kiss her forehead.

"It hurts," she says through gritted teeth.

"No, it doesn't," I chuckle sightly, "Your arm is numb. Stop being dramatic."

Before we know it, the nurse pulls out the needle and presses a cotton ball to where it was to stop the bleeding. Once that is taken care of, a small circular plaster is placed where the blood was taken.

Y/N let's out a breath of relief and sits up, wiping her tears away.

"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" I smile, bringing her in for a hug.

"... I'm never doing that again."

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