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age: 15/19



"No, Y/N. I'm going out with my friends, not spending time with you."

"But, mama! We haven't hung out in weeks. I miss you."

"Go hang out with Wanda or something. I'm busy."

And that was it. I was left on my own in mine and mom's apartment whilst she went out with her friends. She's been doing that a lot lately. Leaving me to be with other people and not getting home until late. I may as well be living on my own at this point.

With a heavy sigh, I pull out my phone to call my aunt Wanda.


"Hey, lovebug. Is everything okay?" I ask Y/N over the phone. I wasn't expecting her to be calling me at seven in the evening.

"Uh, yeah. I think. Can you please come and get me? Mom's gone out with some friends and I'm lonely." Her voice is shaky and I can tell she's been crying, her voice goes raspy when she does.

Natasha's gone out every single day this week and left her daughter home alone. She doesn't get back til late at night or even early hours of the morning. It's fucking ridiculous. She's allowed to go out to have fun with her friends but she also has a fifteen year old to be taking care of.

"Of course I can, honey. I'll be there in a few, I love you."

"Love you, Wands."

As soon as the call has ended, I grab my coat and put my shoes on and make my way out to my car. Nat needs to get her shit together.


"Here you go, lovey," I say and hand Y/N a hot chocolate. It's a cold evening and Nat left her with no heating on in their apartment. How is she so careless?

"Thank you," she replies and I make sure to snuggle up close to her and put a blanket over us to warm her up.

"So, how's it been going at home? I mean, when your mom's actually there?"

"I don't know," she mumbles. "She's just been distant recently. We don't really talk at all no matter how much I beg. It's like she's forgotten about me. I don't even think she loves me anymore."

My face falls into a frown at what my niece has just said. No child should feel so neglected or unloved by their parent.

"Baby, I promise you that your mom does love you." I'm actually not sure what Nat's deal is, she's not showing her child love but I can't say that to Y/N. "I don't know what's going on with her lately either, maybe she's going through something but either way, she should not be treating you the way she is. Please understand that this is not your fault. It's not your fault that she's being a shitty mom. Her actions are on her, not you. Hopefully she'll start to get herself together soon."




Four years. Four whole years since that day with aunt Wanda and every single day her exact words ring in my ear. 'Hopefully she'll start to get herself together.'

Did my mom ever get herself together? No. I finally moved in with Wanda when I was seventeen. Mom wasn't happy at first but she got over it pretty quick, which only showed me how much she doesn't care about me. But it's fine, Wanda's been taking care of me and even though I'm nineteen, I never want to leave. Wanda was the one who got me through everything. She helped me through the guilt and distress that Natasha brought onto me.

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