
4.1K 92 22

age: 15



"Hey, mom! How was the mission?" I ask my mama as she walks into the common area of the Compound. Her and uncle Tony went together to try to find a Hydra base. They've been working on locating it for months and finally went to go check it out.

Instead of they usual 'hey, it was good' I always get, I'm met with nothing but silence before she runs off upstairs, probably to her room.

I look at Tony, automatically assuming that he's done something to upset her.

"Hey, don't look at me!" he replies defensively. "She's just upset because we didn't find it."

Crap. I know how much she hates failing and that she's definitely gonna be blaming herself for this.

Almost instantly, I start sprinting up the stairs, heading for her room in the hopes to get there before she can spiral and get in her head too much.

"Mom? It's me," I say to her through the closed door.

"Y/N, go away. I'm fine," she tells me, trying to sound tough. But I see right through her.

"Bullshit. Tony told me what happened, you're not okay."

I put my ear up against the door, listening for any sign of her moving to unlock it. However, the only sound that fills my ears are her quiet sobs. It hurts to hear her cry. She's my mama and she always acts so resilient in front of everyone else but I know that there are some things that she just can't come back from easily.

"Mama... unlock the door," I instruct her, pleading that she'll let me in so I can hug her.

I wait for a minute to hear her footsteps but unsurprisingly, they never come. After a few moments of no sound, she finally speaks up.

"The door's unlocked."

I hesitate for a moment, feeling rather stupid before opening the door gently and walking in. There she is, sitting on her bed, her suit half off, and crying into her hands. She must have been changing before breaking down midway.

She turns to looks at me after wiping her tears and she smiles softly.


I lift my head to turn to look at Y/N, wiping my tears in the process and giving her a small smile as not to worry her.

The mission went terribly. I was so sure we had found it. Months of hard work completely gone to waste. And I feel like such a failure.

"I bet you feel pretty stupid right now, huh?" I ask her with a smirk.

"How was I supposed to know the door was unlocked?!" she replies. She's funny.

I let out a small chuckle at her antics. She somehow always knows how to make me laugh, even on my worst days.

As the comicality of the situation wears off, another tear rolls down my cheek.

"Oh, mama," I hear my daughter say as she starts to walk towards my bed.

"I'm sorry, honey. I shouldn't be like this in front of you," I apologize, feeling so much guilt for wasting her time.

"Why? You're allowed to show emotion."

That sentence just makes my heart break even more. How did I get so lucky with her?

Suddenly, my baby's arms are being thrown around me as she pulls me in for a hug and that's it. I can't hold it back anymore. I start crying heavily into Y/N's shoulder.

We stay like that for what feels like hours but after looking at my clock, is only twenty minutes. I pull away and look my beautiful girl in her eyes. Those eyes. I could look into them all day. They're heavenly.

"Thank you, darling," I tell her sincerely. She'll never know how much I appreciate her and how much I needed that hug.

"You don't have to thank me. You take care of me all the time, it's the least I could do."

I embrace her for a second time and hold on even tighter. She's been saving my life since the day she was born.

"Come on, get changed and we'll do a movie night and I'll order takeaway," she tells me,leaving no room for negotiation.

"Okay, sweetheart," I agree and she leaves my room to give me some privacy.

By the time I've finished getting changed, I hear another knock on my door and I tell whoever it is to come in.

"It's me," Y/N smiles as she walks in with two large pizza boxes and a bottle of wine in her hand.

"Uhh, excuse me? What do you think you're doing with that wine, missy?" I question playfully.

"We're gonna drink our feelings away, duh!" she explains to me like it should be obvious.

"You're fifteen!"

"... And?"

"Okay, how about I take this..." I say as I take the bottle of wine away from her, "And you go and grab some soda or something."

"Boring," she complains before setting the pizza down on the bed, flipping me off and walking back out of my room to get her drink.

She returns a few moments later and the second she places her glass on my nightstand, I tackle her to the bed and start tickling her ruthlessly.

"Mom!" she exclaims and starts wriggling around, begging for me to stop.

"That's for flipping me off!" I tell her jokingly before ceasing my actions and attacking her cheeks with kisses.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!"

We're both laughing now and I pull her onto my lap to cuddle her.

"I love you, detka," I tell her and tuck a piece of hair that's across her face behind her ear.

"I love you too, mama. I'm sorry you were sad earlier."

"Hey, you don't have to be sorry. I'm all good now, see? You made me feel so much better, my love."

She really is my anchor.

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