panic room

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warnings: nightmare, mentions of abuse, panic attack

age: 14

mother figure nat



"Stop, please!" I beg Master Dreykov. He's beating me up after I failed a mission for him. The man never ceases his actions as he continues to list every possible thing I did wrong. I'm just a kid, how does he have the will to do this?

"You will never be good enough, Y/L/N. Never," he tells me, the words going straight to my head. I will never be good enough.

"Y/N," I hear someone say out of nowhere. It sounds like the woman I've learnt to be Natasha. Wait, Natasha?

I shoot awake, gasping for air, from what apparently was just a nightmare, to find Natasha sitting on my bed with me with a worried expression across her face. Crap, I scared her. I'm really struggling to get air into my lungs. What's happening to me?


It's around two in the morning and all of a sudden, I'm awoken by the sound of someone incoherently muttering. That's weird, everyone should be in bed by now. I try to make out what the person is saying and none of it is making sense... that is until I hear the all too familiar name: Dreykov. Shit, Y/N must be having a nightmare.

It's her first night here at the Compound after we rescued her from the Red Room. She had nowhere else to go so I brought up the idea of bringing her back with us. The others were reluctant but Clint, knowing my past with the Red Room, backed me up. I knew the nightmares would come eventually. I had them every night when I first got out. But I've made a promise to myself that I won't let her go through it alone like I had to. It was hard enough for me being nearly an adult but Y/N... she's just a kid.

Knowing how bad the nightmares can get, I rush to her room which only takes me seconds, considering it's right next to mine.

I push open the door and I'm met with the sight of her crying in her sleep, mumbling something under her breath.

"Y/N?" I try. She doesn't respond to that so I shake her lightly, trying to get her to wake. "Y/N?" I repeat. This time, it's only a matter of seconds before she shoots up, gasping for air in the process and glancing at me quickly to acknowledge my presence. She looks like she's having a really hard time to breathe.

"Hey, honey, it's okay. You're okay. You're safe now with us at the Avengers Compound," I remind her as I pull her into me and hold her against my chest in hopes of calming her. The panic attacks were a big thing for me, too. Especially the ones that followed the nightmares.

"Y/N, can you try taking some deep breaths for me?" I ask. I don't get a response so I just start taking deep breaths with the aim that she'll start to follow, which she doesn't. I decide to change tactics since this one clearly isn't working. "Okay, we're gonna try something else, alright? We need to distract your mind from the scary thoughts so we're gonna do the five, four, three, two, one technique."

"I-I can't b-breathe," she chokes out.

My heart breaks for this girl. She reminds me so much of myself when I got out. Unfortunately for me, I had no one to help calm me down during my attacks so I just had to help myself. That's not the case with Y/N, though. I have her and I'm gonna make sure she's getting the right support that she needs.

"I know, my love. Which is why we need to do this. It'll help," I explain once again, to which she nods. "Alright," I begin as I sit her up and hold her hands, "What are five things that you can see?"

She hesitates for a moment before looking around the unfamiliar room for objects to list.

"Uhh, th-the bed," she says in almost a whisper.

"That's right, yeah. What else?"

"Y-you, and th-that TV.

After listing two more items, four things she can feel, three things she can hear, two things she can smell, and one thing she can taste, Y/N's breathing finally goes back to normal and she's now leaning against my chest, exhausted.

"How you feeling now?" I ask softly, internally pleading that she'll open up.

"Better, thanks. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. You can go back to your room now, I'm fine," she tries to lie, but I can see right through her. After all, she's basically me.

"Darling, don't be ridiculous. I know how hard it is to manage the nightmares and panic attacks the Red Room give you. I'm more than happy to stay," I reassure. I then see her stare into my eyes for a few moments, searching for any sign of a lie, but there aren't any and she knows that.

"He hurt me," she says out of nowhere, "He hurt me and I hate him for it but... that's all I've ever known. So it's gonna take a while before I can trust you guys fully."

"I know. I understand."

That's all I have to say for her to relax into me, the both of us laying down with her safely tucked into my chest.

"Get some sleep, sweetheart. I'm right here," is the last thing I say before drifting off with Y/N already snoring lightly in my arms.

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