lights are on

3.4K 99 14

age: 17



"Please pick up, please, please, please. Come on, pick up." The words I keep whispering to myself over and over as I'm driving slowly in the rain, not even going anywhere, just driving.

Once again, straight to voicemail. I've been trying to get ahold of my mama for the past thirty minutes. That's thirty minutes I've been single for. My girlfriend broke up with me half an hour ago and I have no idea where the person I need the most is.

It's nine o'clock at night. It's dark. At eight-thirty, I walked into my girlfriend's college dorm like we planned. It was gonna be such a romantic evening. We were going on a date at a really fancy restaurant nearby. Pre-paid and everything, can't even get my money back. The money that I wasted on the person I loved most in the whole world besides my mom.

That's how the evening was supposed to go. Instead, my mascara is ruined by my rapidly falling tears, and my dress is soaked from where the hood of my car is down. I don't even want to put it up. I don't want to do anything except be in my mama's arms.

It was a soft breakup. Or, it was meant to be. She worded it well enough, but that didn't stop it from hurting any less. Three years just down the drain. And all because she wanted 'space'. God knows what that means. She's probably found someone better to be with.

Somehow throughout all the crying and feeling sorry for myself, I end up making my way to somewhere familiar. Without realizing, I've driven myself to Melina's house, mom's mom.

She's the next best thing next to my own mama. Melina and I have always been close, and luckily I have a key to her house so as soon as I parked up, I let myself in. Only to be met with her and Alexei making out on the couch. Not what I need right now.

Not knowing how to interrupt, I roughly clear my throat, causing them to pull apart abruptly and turn to look at me.

"Y/N!" Melina exclaims and stands up after seeing the state I'm in. "Detka, what happened?!" she asks me whilst walking closer to where I'm standing. That's when the tears start again. "Okay, okay. Umm... Alexei, go upstairs," she tells him and he quickly obeys, not wanting to get involved in this. "Sweetheart, let's get you sat down, yeah?"

Listening to my grandmother, although it feels weird calling her that since she's still fairly young, I let her lead me over to the sofa and sit down beside her, immediately moving to sob into her shoulder.

"Hey, hey, it's alright, shh. You're okay, detka. What's going on? Tell your Бабушка what's going on."

"W-w-where's-" a sob interrupts me, "Do you know where m-my mom is?"

"Yeah, she's out with her friends. Y/N, is it anything I can help you with or do you need your mama? I'm sure she won't mind coming home early."

"No, don't! She n-never gets t-to spend time with her friends because of work."

"Okay, that's alright. Whatever it is, it'll be okay," she tries reassuring me, adjusting our position so my head is resting on her collarbone and her arms are wrapped tightly around me.

"No, it's not! Nothing is okay," I wail before quite literally sliding off the couch and curling up into a ball on the floor.


Seeing my granddaughter in this condition is terrifying. She's working herself up so much that she fell onto the floor when she was so safely in my hold. There's only one thing I can think of that would cause such pain as this. A broken heart.

"Detka, what happened? Is everything okay with Kathryn?" I question, referring to her girlfriend.

With her constant sobs, it's hard to make out what she's saying. But there is one thing that stands out to me. 'She broke up with me'.

It all makes sense now. Every bit of pain she's feeling. Ever cry escaping her mouth. Every tear falling. All of it.

Using my strength, I somehow manage to pick Y/N up off the floor like you would a small child, and place her onto my lap so she can lean on me for comfort, given that Natasha is out and probably smashed with her friends.

I spend the next two hours simply holding onto her tightly and making sure she feels safe and secure in my arms. Her cries eventually begin to die down until there's nothing left except a sleepy teenager who's all cried out for the night.

"Lina, I want her back," she mumbles tiredly against me, and I smile slightly at the name she used. When she was a toddler, she couldn't say 'Melina' properly, so she shortened it down to 'Lina' and it's just stuck.

"I know you do, detka. I'm sorry. I promise you this feeling won't last forever. It will go away and soon enough, you'll find someone else who you'll fall in love with. You know, people come and go. That's just life. But, sweetheart, I promise you this: everybody out there has a soulmate. Whether that's a lover, or a family, or a parent, or a friend, or even a pet. Somewhere out there, you have the perfect girl waiting for you. I know you feel shitty right now, but it isn't constant."

"I just loved her so much... I can't even imagine myself with anyone else," she admits quietly.

"You don't have to. Not right now, anyway. Let yourself process and feel whatever it is you need to feel. One day you'll look back and you won't even-"

"Y/N!" we're interrupted by Natasha storming through the door with a worried look on her face. She's also just as drenched as the girl in my lap, who by the way, has made the couch annoyingly wet. But given the circumstances, I'll let her off. "Oh, baby, thank god you're here. I'm so sorry, I didn't see your calls. What's going on? Why the tears?" she asks after seeing how upset her daughter is. When Y/N doesn't answer, Nat comes and sits next to us, and the kid instantly moves onto her mama's lap instead.

With an even more concerned expression as she had a moment ago, Natasha turns to face me and mouths 'is she okay', to which I mouth back 'she will be'.

She will be. She'll be okay.

natasha x daughter one shots Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin