so my darling

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age: 17



"Mom, pleaseeee," I beg in a whiney voice. I have spent the last fifteen minutes trying to convince her to take a break from writing up mission reports to come cuddle me. She's been spending more and more time in her office lately and I haven't been able to have as much quality time with her as I'd like.

"No. Y/N, I already told you, I have too much work to do to spend time with you!" she snaps.

Ouch. She had said it already but it didn't hurt any less.


She makes no move to answer my question so I simply sigh and leave the room, not without subtly flipping her off first.

"I saw that!" I hear her yell through the now shut door. Maybe it wasn't so subtle.


"Morning, mama," I smile at her as she walks into the kitchen the next morning.

"Uh-huh," is all I receive in return. She's not even looking at me, she's just staring at something on her phone.

"Earth to mom?" I joke and I was expecting her to go along with it and laugh, but instead I get a snarky look before once again being left in the kitchen on my own.

For the next two hours, I just stay in my room, laying in bed and on my phone.

It dawns on me then that I have no clue what the time is and I want to know so that I can make my mom some lunch. She's been too busy to do it herself so Wanda's been doing it for her, but today I think I want to do it myself.

Seeing that it's now twelve-thirty, I make my way into the kitchen to already see Wanda there, looking in the fridge.

"Hey, Wands," I say and go to give her a hug.

"Hi, lovey. How are you?" she asks me and shuts the fridge door before reciprocating the embrace.

"I'm okay."

Clearly the small smile I gave with my answer wasn't enough to satisfy Wanda because she repeats her question, this time a little more stern and looking me dead in the eyes.

"Y/N... how are you?"

"I'm fine, I already told you."

"You're crying, baby. You're clearly not 'fine', are you?"

It's not even until that moment that I feel the tears streaming down my face. There's no way a simple 'how are you' was enough to bring me to cries.

Wanda doesn't waste another second before pulling me into her again and holding me close.

"You need to talk to her," she tells me in a soft tone.

"You read my mind?"

"Let's be honest, sweetheart. Would you have told me on your own?"

She has a point.

I let out a sigh at her words. It's been a while since I've been called a pet name.
My mom mostly uses 'darling' for me and nothing calms me more than hearing her call me that in her raspy voice. The one that I haven't heard for more than one sentence a day, if that.

"Okay. I will. Thank you, Wanda."

"Don't mention it, hon. So did you just come in here for some aunt cuddles or did you need something? I was about to make your mom some lunch, do you want me to make you something, too?" she asks kindly, her hand still rubbing up and down my arm soothingly.

"A-actually... is it okay if I made lunch for my mom today? I just thought it might make her like me a little more," I ask with my explanation.

"Y/N/N, your mama does like you. She loves you so much. I promise. But if you want to make her lunch, you can."

How does she always know the right thing to say? I make sure to give Wanda one last squeeze before letting her go and I start working on making lunch for mom.

I make her a simple peanut butter sandwich since those are her favorite, and I also cut up some fruit and a packet of doritos - the chilli heatwave ones because she's weird and obsessed with spicy foods for whatever reason.

Once I've put everything on a tray and added a bottle of water, I make my way up to her office and knock with my foot - given that my hands are full, before pushing down the handle with my elbow and walking in with the tray.

"Hey! I made you lunch," I announce and place it down on her desk but making sure not to get it on any of her papers.

She says nothing, just gives me a small nod. Is she kidding right now? I go through all that trouble and don't even get a 'thank you'?


"What, Y/N?!" she yells in a harsh tone.

I'm slightly taken aback at her reaction. She hasn't yelled at me in my whole life. Not even when I would draw on all the walls when I was a toddler or snuck out when I was fourteen and stupid.

"Well?" she asks again.

"I'm- I'm sorry," I say quickly before turning to leave the room again.

I don't even make it to the door before I realize that she doesn't get to talk to me like that. She's been distant and rude recently and I don't deserve that.

"Actually, you know what?" I begin as I start to spin myself around to face her again, "I'm not sorry. No, you should be the sorry one. I have done absolutely nothing to upset you these past few weeks and all I've gotten in return is you snapping at me or not saying a word. I don't deserve that. I get that you have a lot of work to do and I understand that you are stressed but you also have a child to take care of. I may nearly be an adult but I still need my mama. If you don't want that role anymore then fine, I'll go to aunt Wanda. She seems to care. I have spent the better part of my week begging for you to come spend time with me. No child should have to beg their mom to come cuddle them. I don't even get a good morning or a good night from you anymore. At most, I get a nod. I know you have a fucked up family and upbringing and your time with Dreykov screwed you up but seriously?!"

I gasp quietly to myself after I realize what I just said. I brought up her past. No one brings up her past, she gets too upset at the thought of being back at the Red Room.

The immense guilt that washes over me when I see tears start to well in her eyes is almost enough to destroy me. I wanted to stand up for what was right but I didn't have to take it that far.

"Mama, I'm so sor-"

"No, baby," she cuts me off and walks up to me. "You're so right. I haven't been paying enough attention to you and I know how much it hurts not having a present mom. I guess I just got caught up in all my work - there's been a lot lately and I know it's not an excuse at all, you have every right to be and to stay mad at me. With everything in me, I am sorry and I hope you can find it in your beautiful heart to forgive me. My darling, remember I'll always love you."

I smile to myself at the familiar use of the name. And that she apologized.

"I love you too, mom. And of course I forgive you. I know you were stressed and as much as it hurt, I know you didn't mean to push me away. Also... am I grounded for bringing up the Red Room?"

I should be. That was low.

"No, detka. You're not. You were so caught up in what you were saying that I don't think you did that on purpose. Now, what do you say we spend the rest of today together? We can do anything you want," she tells me.

"I just wanna cuddle with you, mama."

"Then that's what we'll do. Come on, bubba."

And with that, she takes my hand and leads me to her bedroom. We spend the entirety of the day just being close to one another, enjoying each other's presence.


do we want more of aunt wanda comfort??🫶🏻

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