tear myself apart

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warnings: mentions of bad body image

age: 16



"Y/N, we don't have all day! Hurry up!" I yell to my daughter who's currently upstairs and taking forever to come down.

Today is our annual beach day with the team, we like to take a break every once and a while to relax and reset.

... But we're gonna be late if Y/N doesn't hurry her ass up.

"I mean it, Y/N, we were supposed to leave twenty minutes ago! Everyone else is already on their way there!"

As expected, I receive no answer. We don't have time for this.

With little patience left, I start making my way to her room. I'm not trying to be a bitchy mom, nor do I like acting like one - I just hate not being on time for things.

"Come on, sunshine. Time to go," I try and say it a little nicer this time.


No? Why would she say no?

"Honey, you love hanging out with the team. Why don't you want to?"

No answer.

"I can't help you through it if you don't tell
me," I explain lightly.

Again, no answer.

I'm starting to become aware of the time now and if I'm being honest, I don't really care if we keep the others waiting. My daughter is always my first priority.

"I'm coming in, love."

Ignoring her protests, I continue to push the door open and I'm met with a sight I definitely wasn't expecting on a Saturday morning.

My little baby, stood in front of her full-length mirror in nothing but her underwear and bra, crying lightly.

The second she turns around to face me, her sobs intensify.

"Mommy," she wails. I knew she had to be super upset for her to call me that. It's usually 'mom' or 'mama'.

"I'm here, detka. Come here," I instruct softly and hold my arms out for her to run into.

Once she's safe in my embrace, I move us over to her bed and lay us down so that she's got her head against my chest and I have my arms wrapped protectively around her.


"Are you ready to tell mama what's going on?" I ask her now that she's calmed down a little.

The floor seems to take her interest as she starts explaining. Well, trying to.

"I... I... it-" she cuts herself off with a frustrated sigh.

"Hey, don't get upset with yourself," I reassure. "Look at me."

She makes no move to do as I say so I place two fingers under her chin and lift her head gently to make eye contact.

"You are safe to tell me whatever it is you need to get off your chest, okay? I've got you, it's gonna be alright."

My words seem to offer enough comfort for her to start thinking about what to say.

"I wanna go to the beach... but I don't want to wear a bathing suit in front of everyone," she informs me, the floor once again occupying her.

"Can I ask why, detka?" I press, not fully understanding the situation.

"Look at me!" she whisper-yells. "I'm disgusting, I hate the way I look."

My heart sinks to my stomach at the confession. She's beautiful! How could she think such horrible things about herself?

"Detka, no. No, my love, don't say that. You are beautiful just the way you are. And I need you to realize that. As for the others, they would never judge you! They're your family, babe. All they care about is that you're happy and healthy."

"But what about the other people there?"

"Fuck what they think. You're there to have a good time, so have a good time. Sweetheart, I mean it when I say you are absolutely gorgeous. You are allowed to have insecurities of course, but I'm gonna be here every single time to explain every little part of you I adore."


"Hey, guys!" I shout to everyone as we arrive, Y/N holding my hand but letting go quickly to hug everyone.

After we all greet each other, everyone decides to go for a swim in the ocean and I notice Y/N getting a little nervous and holding back.

"Baby... remember what I said? You are beautiful. Go have fun."

She takes my advice and soon her cover-up is discarded and she takes my hand for us to run into the sea.

"Work it, Y/N!" Wanda shouts to her when we land in the water. Her aunt's always been her hype girl and I can tell just that comment boosted her confidence. Thank God for aunt Wanda.

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