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age: 17 (if that wasn't already a given haha)



With Y/N being seventeen and all, she has been persistently pestering me to teach her how to drive.

At first, we thought of getting her a driving instructor to teach her, but then we realized that there's no person on Earth who could possibly have that sort of patience.

I don't, either. I just know how to deal with her stronger emotions.

"Morning, my lovely!" I greet my daughter enthusiastically. "You ready to start learning or what?"

She finishes the last bite of her toast before putting her phone down and swiveling the island stool around to face me.

"Just lemme get some more coffee," she smiles, giving me a quick squeeze before standing up and moving over to the coffee pot.

"Don't tell me that's your second one this morning," I joke, secretly hoping it really isn't her second one.


"Y/N! It's nine o'clock."

"Well, do you want me to be awake when you're in the car with me or do you want me to fall asleep behind the wheel?" she defends, lifting the coffee pot in the air as she makes her point, which in turn spills the drink all over my newly-polished floor.

"Alright, change of plans," I say assertively, "You're gonna clean up my floor, and then we will go driving. Sound good?"


"Good," I cut her off, not giving her the opportunity to object before walking out and beginning to mentally prepare myself for the driving lesson.


Once my kitchen has been cleaned up and my child has finally gotten herself ready, I bring her down to the car and we both get situated in our seats.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I'm about to drive!" Y/N squeals, doing a little happy dance in her seat. "Let's go," she decides, turning on the engine and completely neglecting her safety.

"Woah, woah, hold on," I tell her, stopping her from stepping on the pedal. "You're literally forgetting the most important step right now."

She looks around for a moment in search of what I'm talking about. It doesn't take long for her to give up and look at me in confusion.

"Your seatbelt, perhaps?" I point out.

"Ohhh, duh!" she laughs, reaching for the seatbelt.

Lord help this child when she has to take her test.

Even more so, lord help me whilst I'm teaching her how to drive.

"Now that you're all buckled up, you need to take the car out of park. You remember how to do that?"

"Yeah but lemme put the radio on first."

"No, honey, you'll get distracted."

She looks offended that I would even say such a thing.

"No, I won't!"

"Y/N, darling, can you honestly tell me that if you started playing music, you wouldn't get distracted?"

"... Whatever," she sasses and sticks her tongue out at me.

I swear I'm raising a ten year old.

"Take the car out of park, please," I kindly ask of her. She looks lost.

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