hometown glory

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age: 10


Y/N's POV:

"No, I'm not leaving!" I scream at my mom. She's just sprung it on me that we're leaving the Compound to go live in an apartment further away. So now I'm making a scene in front of everyone in the living room.

"Baby, I know you don't like it but we have to. It's best for us," she tries to explain.

Best for us?! It's not best for us. What's best is that I stay here with the rest of my family in the place I grew up in. We're happy here. So why is she trying to get us to move?

"Come here, lovey," she instructs me and holds her arms out. I contemplate for a few seconds wether I should listen or carry on protesting. I opt to just comply so I go over to her and she pulls me onto her lap, holding my hands.

"Why do we have to move?" I ask her, tears now threatening to leave my eyes.

She takes a deep breath before answering, "Here isn't as safe as it used to be, darling. You know how we're fighting bad guys all the time? Well some of them aren't very happy with us and they're trying to find ways to hurt us. So we have to move to a safe house to protect you," she explains and kisses my cheek softly.

I let out a disappointed sigh at the information. People want to hurt us. And I can't be with my family because of it.

"But what about aunt Wanda or uncle Tony and all the others?" I question in a quiet voice.

"Well, detka... they have to stay here to help fight off the bad guys," she tells me, sounding regretful.

But these people. They're the wonders of my world. I can't leave them.

There were a few moments of silence between us before my aunt Wanda lifts me off of mama's lap and onto hers instead.

"Y/N, my little love, we'll still come visit you! And me and you can still hang out all the time and do aunt-niece dates. We're not going anywhere," my favorite aunt reassures.

After our heart-to-heart conversation, the whole team decided we should do a huge movie night to celebrate our last day here. Yes, us moving was very last minute, but I guess my mom didn't want to worry me by telling me all this a few weeks ago.

"Clint!" I yell after he just threw a piece of popcorn at me halfway through our fifth movie.

He puts his hands up as if to say 'it wasn't me' and points at Thor.

"Hey, I would never!" the god defends.

We leave it at that and return our gazes to the film playing. Around two minutes later, I see another piece of popcorn flying across the room and hitting my mom in the face.

She pauses the movie and stands up quickly before asking angrily "Alright, who was that?!"

Everyone apart from me sinks further into their seats. I find it hilarious how intimidated they get by her. She's such a softie when she's not mad.

I see her scanning the room, looking every single Avenger in the eye, trying to figure out who threw the popcorn at her.

At last, her eyes land on Steve. This is probably the most terrified I've ever seen him.

Mama starts walking over to him in a slow manner, almost looking completely innocent. Much to the team's surprise, she doesn't retaliate to his actions. She simply sits down next to him and smiles softly. Everyone just looks confused but I know she's planning something. She can be very deceiving at times.

She's going to get him back.

"Y/N, sweetheart, can you come here, please?" she asks of me. I'm clearly a part of her plan to get him back and I love it.

I walk over to where they are and mom starts hugging Steve, wrapping her arms around him. The team are very confused at this point.

Without warning, mom starts hugging him tighter and all of a sudden, she's got him pinned down to the couch and the others are laughing their heads off.

"Natasha, stop!" Steve begs.

"Get him, Y/N!" she orders me.

That's my cue. I grab his popcorn bucket and dump all of it onto his face before sliding the bucket onto his head so the whole thing is covered and he can't see.

Mama gets off of him and high-fives me, proceeding to carry me back over to the couch we were originally on to watch Steve try to get the bucket off his head.

The whole team are in fits of laughter watching him struggle. He's now stood up and crashing into every single thing in his path and me and mom are losing it.

When he's finally managed to take it off, he gives us the most displeased look and it only makes us laugh more.

After the excitement of the situation wears off, we all calm down and continue with the movie playing.

Once again, another piece of popcorn is thrown, but this time it's at Wanda. Before it can even hit her face, she uses her powers to stop it and redirects it to Sam. I'm assuming she felt that it came from him. She doesn't hesitate to launch it at his head and it hits him right between his eyes.

One thing leads to another and the whole team are having a massive popcorn war. Names are being screamed, food is being flown across the room, sides are being taken.

These people, I think to myself. It's moments like these that make me upset about leaving. But they're my family, I'll still get to see them. And like aunt Wanda always says, family is forever.

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