Chapter 21

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( A/N : !!trigger warning!!This chapter will involve some Subject as : Harassment and this kind of stuff. Some of you may feel uncomfortable. I am sorry about that. Please still love me 😔💔)

In a very big building who was found to be belong to star corporation a woman was at the lowest level, where no one could ever enter without authorization or being an omega itself,who was being captivated in those cold walls.

Stopping in front of an automatic door in the long hallway where every single room of every omega was, the women went inside to see the only one who successfully escaped months before.

-1117, it is time for your medical examination. Follow me. »

Yeosang sighed and got up from his tiny bed, he didn't expect to see the doctor so soon.

Looking down, his face went to a very sad expression. His clothes were white as before, he was in his small room and he hated it. It didn't even have any windows, it was only a room with 4 white walls with a bed and a desk next to it for studying only.

Following the lady outside of his room, the poor omega started to feel really uncomfortable.

It terrorized him the idea to be back in there, back in this building.. in this empty and creepy hallway, his stomach just wanted to send back everything he ate. But, this part wasn't new.

It was so long, like it didn't have any end to this path. Every single door was closed, he couldn't even peek a look inside of the other's room, Star wanted to avoid every contact with each other's omega.

How many innocent young people was in there?

He was also one of them, a victim of crude and heartless peoples.

-We don't have all day.» said the lady walking in front of him.

Yeosang put his hands tightly together, he didn't want to go.

His place didn't belong there.

He should be with Ateez..

Walking for what seemed like an eternity , the lady stopped once again in front of a room. The door then quickly opened .

The omega hesitated for a few seconds before to eventually get inside and as soon as he was in, the door closed right after.

He was quite surprised by the place. He was already used to the routine check up , but this room he never went inside, not even once.

They were a small table with a towel on it, and a small machine with a tiny TV screen on top of it. And also other stuff we could only find in a clinic.

Then on the other's side of the room , a door slides and a doctor came out.

-Take off your shirt and lay down on the table, now.»

Simple indication , but told in a cold way.

Like always.

Taking off his shirt right away, yeosang lay down on table.

The doctor then sat in a chair in front of the machine, and opened it and waited a few second before to take the ultrasound probe and put some gel on it , and he pressed it against yeosang belly.

Yeosang shivered from the cold gel, and his heart started to beat really fast, he finally understood was everything was about...

he was really looking if he was pregnant?

Wooyoung.. Really told them?..

But, What he's gonna do if seonghwa was right? If he was really .. Carrying San's child..?

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