Chapter 1

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-What on earth happened to this poor boy? »

-Look at his white clothes he was wearing and his collar, that can give us a clue. Don't you think? »

Some distinct voice the boy never heard before.

Growing out in pain, he slowly opened his eyes to close them again by the brightest of the room.

-Ah! I think he's awake! »

Brightness of the room? Realizing he was no longer in the woods, he straightened his torso to get up at fast as he could.

-Hey hey! Don't get up, you're gonna hurt yourself! Believe it or not you're out of danger. Please stay calm. »

Once his eyes got adjusted by the light, he could finally see where he was.

He was in a small room where the only wall next to him was made in steel with a window in the middle of it. The other's thing to separate the small room was white sore blanket.. We could believe this place was abandoned at first.

He then looked at his left to see a person with gray hair sitting on a chair who looked just a little bit older than he was . The trait of his face was soft, there's been no sign that this man would harm him in any way. But, he couldn't trust anyone this easily.

-Let's me introduce myself first. I'm seonghwa, I'm not the one who find you. It's was two's of my friends, jongho and-»

He couldn't continue his sentences since a man  entered the room by moving one of the blankets, he then spoke right away.

-What you were doing over there in the woods, all alone and after the curfew ? »

-jongho! Don't be rude by asking so much questions!He just woke up!» responded seonghwa angrily.

-I find him. I have the right to ask. »

Looking down, the boy wasn't sure if he could tell them everything, he wasn't even sure who they were in the first place.

-I.. »coughing by how much his throat was dry , he couldn't even pronounce anything.

Glaring at his friend,seonghwa handed him a cup of water slowly toward him.

-Ignore him, he can be rude sometimes. Here, drink, let's start by your name okay?» his voice was really calm and comforting.Because of him, the injured boy could already feel a little bit more safe.

Taking the cup of water directly, he drank it almost in one shot by how much he was thirsty.

-I'm..numbers 1117, but.. You can call me the way you want to i don't really care...»

At this moment 1117, didn't really understood what was the expression on the face of both of the boys. Their eyebrows lower and they were closer together. Even each extremity of their mouth lowered.

-We will have to change that. It doesn't fit well to a beautiful man like you. For now, all you have to do is to rest, you can answer to our questions once you will be ready, you are  agree too , right, jongho?»

-i didn't say that- outch!» caressing the side of his ribs, jongho pouted. Why seonghwa have to hit him as soon as something didn't make him happy.

-So, for now, rest as much as you can. If you need something just ring this bell over here on the desk, i will come back to change your bandages.» smiling softly, he got up and went toward the door, bringing the other's man with him outside.

-Jongho, go tell everyone we have an important meeting in 15 minutes. I will go talk to honjoong Outside and bring him in. .»Said seonghwa, he has to talk to everyone about this news person.


15 minutes later and 5 men were waiting for the last person and their leader to show up.They were all in the middle of a big abandoned warehouse who was also their house.

There's not a lot of people who would want to live in the dust, cobwebs and graffitis on the walls and even Sometimes some rats could show up. It also could be very cold at night, since some of the windows were broken.

But, Even if the place wasn't very welcoming, the warehouse was very Big. It's was enough to have 7 person's living there on their own.  It was perfect for them.

They even personalized it. They had a little kitchen, a sofa in the corner with a small tv, and mostly some room separated with some grill they found and blankets. Again, it wasn't the best but at least, they had their own tiny room.

-Gnaa.. what take them so loong.. Seonghwa said he will come back with honjoong but,nothing yet. Why this meeting anyway? Ok , now Come on ! Who wanna play with me ?» said a very tall man  with brown hair and with cat shaped eyes alike and a very soft smile on his face. He was mostly the one with a lot of energy.

Taking the basketball who was on the ground he started to Dribble with it until someone would want to join him to play. Oh yeah, they did have a basket goal on the wall for their entertainment.

-Mingi, honjoong will be there at any moment now, you shouldn't play.»responded this time a man as tall as him . He was blond and he looked very charming. Some of them called him the golden retriever,  by his kindness and the soft side he had.

-Oh come on Yunho! Nothing will happen. You're worried for nothing ~» throwing the ball at the same time as the big metal door opened, with all the bad luck mingi had, the ball did went directly on the top of the poor leader head.

-ouuutchh!» rubbing the top of his head, the leader curled on himself.

-Song mingi!! » yelled seonghwa who was just next to the leader.

-What did I tell you..» murmured to himself yunho. He did see it coming from far away.

Mingi lowered his head, feeling a bit guilty. But we could hear some giggles from the other's from behind.

-I'm soorryy!»

-No ball anymore for you today!» taking the basketball with him, seonghwa looked furious as much as the leader.

Clearing his throat the leader took back his calm and take off his black mask who had a small light on each side of it giving him a fancy futuristic look alike, to talk more properly.

-Seonghwa told me that san and jongho finds someone who might be implicated with Star, is that true?»

Getting up from the couch, this time it's was san turn to talk,He had pitch black eyes who given him a mysterious look alike.and had blond hair who was longer to the back, like a mullet.

-Yes. He's an omega, me and jongho found him on our Way to our mission to found the real location of star. Unfortunately, our mission wasn't a success but we found something else instead. We are sure they were looking for him, If we didn't find him first then i'm sure something bad would have happened.»

Thinking, the leader also took off his white short cape. Under it was only his black clothes.

-Did he told you something? We have to be careful just in case he could be a spy.»

-No, i don't think he is. He's very injured.. they even shot him. We have at least to let him a chance to talk.. or else it just unfair..» said seonghwa who was next to honjoong.  He was always beside him no matter what, it was also pretty normal since he was the right hand's of him.

-l..let me .. tell you everything i know..then..»outside of the small Infirmary, 1117 was sweating all over his body by all of the effort he took to get up of the bed.

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