Chapter 13

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( A/N : hii! I am so sorry if my update take so much time sometimes, i am working a lot of my new story ! And I'm trying to mot mix theses two's together 😂 ( even of they are pretty different)

-love you all take care ❤️❤️❤️❤️)

Later that day, everyone was finally in the living room ready for the meeting.

yeosang was also there, even if he was still very tired.

He couldn't believe he went to san room after he tried to take care of his ..problem alone.

His whole situation was frustrating a lot. He was also a bit surprise to wake up all alone in san's bed.

Talking about him, he was standing up against the wall far away from him.

-Oh, there's you are! How are you feeling?» said wooyoung while he sat just next to him, and he then put his arm over his shoulder smiling.

-Oh, just tired a little bit, but I'm ok.»

-I'm glad to hear that! Oh..» then the other's omega bend down his head  a little in front of his ear and he covered his month with his hand to the side so no one would read his lips. He then whispered something.

And  yeosang blushed like a tomato.

The scene catches san attention right away. He didn't know what wooyoung has told him, but he didn't liked that, at all.

-Thank you everyone for all being there. I will try to not be too long, like i said last time, we going to Seoul in 4 days. Our objective is to Exploded the second electric central, to put Gangnam until song-pa  in the complete dark.Yunho your gonna be the one to put the bomb in place with jongho, who will watch over you.»

-Sound good! »Responded Yunho smiling.

-I feel like a lot of rich people will be mad soon. Can't wait to see that.» this time it's was jongho, he couldn't wait for the 4 days to pass.

-Ah! said the one who have a Gucci bag!» yelled mingi .

-Hey ! I brought it a long time ago!!»

-It's ok you two!  I'm still not over with my explanation. So ! Like i was saying, yunho and jongho will be together. Wooyoung, you will be alone in your zone with your sniper. »

-Always there's to save ass.» responded wooyoung while he stretches his arms.

-Mingi, this time that's you who will do the guard job with san who will be on the other's side. Your job will also be to watch over jongho and yunho. Me,i will be with yeosang and  seonghwa in the security zone. I will also be the one with the donators. Once everyone will go back to me with everything settled down, i will active the bombs. Is it clear for everyone? I will tell you more detail later. For now, I'm still waiting for some material i need.»

-yeeess! » everyone answered back.

-Also, we will be leaving at 11h just before the curfew. So, everyone Rest a lot to be in top shape until then ! You can go back to what you were doing, thank you everyone! »

Getting up , yeosang walked back to go in his room, but the was stopped by an hand on his wrist.

-What wooyoung told you earlier?» San asked with still an expression the omega didn't know.

-oh .. he said-

-ohohh! Yeosang don't tell my secret! Come here,i have to talk more with you. »  wooyoung then tried to just walk back while holding his other's wrist, but san didn't even let go of yeosang yet of his hand.

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