Chapter 12

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-I'm sorry to interrupt you guys, but i have to talk to you about our next goal. We're going back Seoul.»

Everyone went silent. Just like if a ghost passed by. Then honjoong spoke up.

-I know what you're thinking and what Seoul did to all of us. It's the source of our nightmare and a really risky place to go. But, we have to. » looking at each members, honjoong knew it was still hard for them to digest the knew.

But he knew, they will follow him everywhere.

-I can't explain everything right now since all of us is not there, but we gonna exploded the second electric central. »

-i wouldn't have thought of that. But this not a stupid idea .» responded jongho, after all, they already have all of the material for it.

-Thank you. Like i said i would explain everything in detail later, but we will go in a week. So please everyone, get ready for it. You can go rest now, it's already late. »

Everyone nodded their head and went to their room or go eat before sleep.

Of course they all had different thoughts about this idea, but they trusted their leaders more than anything else.


Very late this same night after everyone went to sleep comfortably, until san suddenly woke up in the middle of the night because he felt a weight on his abdomen really close to his crotch.

Even if he was really way too much tired, he knew that wasn't normal. Taking his phone on his small box who also served as an desk,he opened the light on his phone since he couldn't see shit.

Looking straight in front of him, san almost got a heart attack.

-What are you doing here ! » he whispered in a angry tone.

The 'weight' was yeosang. He was sitting on him without any pants on, and His face was a pitch red Colors.

-i..i can't sleep.. i..i tried to take care of.. it myself.. it didn't work.. San.. can..can we do it again.. Please..?» yeosang tone was so shaky, we could easily tell it was still very embarrassing for him.

Growling, San tried to think about a way to make him leave.

And while he was thinking, yeosang was moving his hips up and down slowly against his crotch.

Biting his lips, San then sighed. How this man could turn him on so fast?

-i swear , what I'm gonna do with you.» flipping him around , he switched their place so he could be on top of him.

-Then be sure to not make too much noise . Or we stop, got it?»

Yeosang nodded his head rapidly, no way he would do anything to make it stop.


Taking off yeosang shirt, he then throw it far away in the room . He only took off his own pants and boxer, Since he didn't sleep with a shirt on when it was too hot inside.

Bending over yeosang body, he gave it a few soft kisses before to grab one of his nipple by his teeth. At first, he did some gentle bite and soon he was licking it all over .

Yeosang back formed an beautiful arch ,he didn't even know he was so sensitive over there.

Sliding one of his hand to his lower region, san smirked when he noticed that yeosang in addition to not wearing any pants, he was also not wearing any underwear. Wrapping slowly his hand around the other's dick, he stoke it a few times .

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