Chapter 6

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-Come on, get inside. Don't make too much noise.» whispered seonghwa while he opened the door of the small balcony. Fortunately, they were on the ground level. Even so, this motel just had 2 floors.

Then one by one everyone went inside, it was only yeosang who got help to get inside.

-so! Let's me ask you this first, who's gonna sleep where?»asked mingi.

-I was thinking about yeosang sleeping in the bed since he still need care. And maybe yunho, jongho, and san? »

Yunho looked at mingi a little bit before asking him something who disturbed him.

-Do you want my place in the bed?»

-No, i should be fine. Enjoy it!» he answered, smiling, he knew Yunho must be worried about his back problems, but he was stronger than that.

-so everything fine? » asked seonghwa one more time.

-yees» they all answered.

-Great! Then everyone you can go take a shower, please don't take it  too long to let some hot water for the other's. San, since you already took care of yeosang, you will watch him tonight too. »

It didn't even sound like a question. It's sounded more like an duty to do.

For all answers san just mumbled fews words that nobody understood.We weren't sure if he was happy about it or not. But, probably not.

yeosang looked down one more time, he knows he didn't give them an easy work sometimes.

-I will take my shower first !!  .» said mingi while he just runs  toward the bathroom without letting chance to the others to go first.

-Mingi come on!!» yelled jongho , he run  after him ready to break the door in half.

-jongho i swear!!  If you break something one more time.. » said seonghwa with a very serious tone.

-Shuut seonghwa or else the dad will be mad !»

-Who are you calling a dad?» asked honjoong while staring at jongho.

-ohh honjoong just recognize  himself ahahah!» shot wooyoung laughing from all of his hearth.

Laughing all together , the groups  didn't stop making jokes  about everything until everyone took their shower one after one.

Yeosang was the last one to get out of the bathroom all dressed up but, he just didn't put back the soil bandage on. It wasn't worth it to keep it.

-yeosang, take off your shirt and sit on the bed i have to see your wound.» said seonghwa

Nodding his head, yeosang sat carefully on the edge of the bed.

While Taking off his shirt, he couldn't help but felt like he was being stared at by everyone.

-You make him feel uncomfortable. »said san while staring at everyone on the room like he was ready to kill them.

Everyone looked somewhere quickly. Well, almost. Just one pair of dark eyes was still watching.

Looking at the wound, the beta smiled. It was still red at some places, but, the infection was gone. How lucky he was! Even more when he sleeps on a dirty ground the night before.

-It looks better! Your gonna get through this! Let's make you a new bandage.»

Taking his small bag seonghwa took off a new bandage and he just rolled it over his shoulder and torso.

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