Chapter 19

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Everyone stopped to see a really bad surprise. Even more of what this old man from star just have said.

He then moved his hand in the air and a few man got out from behind the tree , they were all  had guns and they were equipped head to toe.

San took directly yeosang hand to put him behind him.

-Get out of my way,  fucking old man. » responded san with a lot of hate toward his genitor.

-oh i didn't come all this way for you. I came to take back the little thing behind you, after all ,a great promotion is waiting for him.»The elder answered.

Yeosang moved a little bit to the side to see the man. The omega frowned his eyebrows , he quickly recognized  who was there. This man was one of the high superior of  stars.

He was also one of those who raised him the most to become who he was .

-What are you talking about ?» asked honjoong seriously, he was the only one to know about San past, but the thing with yeosang, was quite new.

-How do you think we find you last time ? Coincidence? You naïve. That's was 1117 who gave us all of the information, where you were what you were doing, everything! I have to say, he did a great job.»

San then looked at yeosang who was behind him and he gripped both of his shoulders, looking at him straight in the eyes.

-Yeosang, i want the truth. Tell me, did you work for them all along? Please.. Tell me ,you were forced to do it!! Tell me something is wrong!» he yelled out of anger , he couldn't believe that!

But, yeosang just stayed in place eyes as round as a coin.

-1117 doesn't have a name. Matricules 1117, come now. You don't have to fake anything with them anymore. I don't mind to kill all of you if you insist.»

Yeosang then looked up at san and  he took off his hands off of his shoulder.

-I'm sorry. Yes , I did . I told them everything from the very first day i meet you. And i accomplished my duty.» walking away from them , he went to go see his supervisor.

-You- how could you!  We ..shouldn't have rescued you, that day!!» said jongho rushing toward yeosang to  grip him by his shoulder to turn him around to just take him by his collar shirt to lift him up. He stared him deeply in his eyes.-do you have at least an idea what you have done !!? »

-JONGHO! LET HIM BE!» yelled seonghwa rushing toward them ,he put his both of his hand  on his.

Jongho stared at him like he was ready to jump on his throat , he then only holds yeosang shirt tighter.

-jongho.. please.. i beg you.. Don't hurt him..»repeated seonghwa .

-Let him go.» said wooyoung strictly.

Then jongho put him down ,against his will.

-i can't believe it yeosang..i trusted you.. How can you do that..» crying ,wooyoung went to hug him for the last time. He then whispered to his ear.

-ahh, my poor yeosang . i didn't want to do all of this, But you forced me.  They gonna take this baby away from you. This baby should have been mine in the first place , san is mine only. But ,you took everything away from me. If i see you again, I will kill you like i did for Jun.I won't miss your heart like last time ,thanks honjoong for it.»Then wooyoung broke the hug to slap him in the face while wiping his tears on his face.

-Jongho might have to hold himself up, but i couldn't . I'm sorry seonghwa, but he deserved at least this. You can go back with them, but never come back to us .. please..» then the omega covered his face with his hand, but we could see his lips, smiling. He then went back near San.

Yeosang didn't even have any reaction, he stood up in place.

He didn't understand at first why his supervisor was saying he was a spy when he wasn't. He said yes , just to protect ateez.

But, Everything makes sense now, it's was wooyoung.

He blamed everything on him .

But...Who's ..gonna believe him now?

His  whole new world was falling apart in a matter of second  . His cheek was hurting, so do his heart: he never expected he would feel this kind of pain one day.

It's okay, the short moment of happiness he felt has nothing to do with him. He has always been alone anyway.

-Yeosang !!San, say something!» yelled seonghwa when he saw yeosang now beside his supervisor.

But san didn't answer.  Yeosang has betrayed Ateez, but he also broke in heart into pieces.

-.. I.. never ..was yeosang.. In the name is..1117.»

-I'm proud of you, 1117.  Oh! San, I'm surprised even with all of those years who passed .. You still try the protect the same person when you were a kid.It's unfortunate that he betrayed you.»

-What do you mean?!»Yelled San ,while wooyoung tried to stop him to do anything by holding his arm.

-Let's get going, and all of you, arrest me those criminal. They have been free for too long now.»said the supervisor while he took yeosang with him.

-GO BACK IN THE CAR! » yelled jongho while he throws two fumigene on the floor. They didn't have any reason to fight, they already have lost.

The most important thing right now was to escape .

While yeosang was looking at them running away in the smoke,he then thought of one simple thing..

« If i get another chance after this failure life ,i wish deeply in my heart to be reborn as a  normal person , and still be a member of Ateez again. And Maybe in this one, wooyoung would like me. And I hope in the end of your path , you will defeat star. May you be happy ever after, Ateez! 

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