Chapter 8

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-i didn't even know you were working there, but it's a really good surprise.»

-I couldn't say better ! Just for that I'm gonna give you some stuff! Ah,did you make sure nobody followed you?»  the other's leader asked , he was always a little bit paranoid with this.

-Don't worry.Nobody's followed us.»

-sorry to interrupt, but ..since when you know him ,honjoong?» asked seonghwa with interest, because honjoong never said or mention anything about him before.

-Ah.. We know each other since we were young. I meet him when i was in the street. We helped each other's out until we took our own way.» responded honjoong , he never really needed to talk about him to anyone until today.

-Come on,  enough talking !Follow me.I have to show you what i have for you!Ah by the way ,my name is Christopher, but please call me bang chan here. I don't like to say my real name out loud.»  while saying this he opened the front door and went outside  with the rest of the groups who were all curious about what this leader had to show.

Walking for a little while , bangchan stopped in front a very big garage alike.

-Everything you need will be inside.» unlocking the door and opening it the leader went in first to opened the light.

Second once to go in, was Yeosang . And we must say, he was very surprised to see against every wall, there's were white shelves with all sorts snd type, size of the gun and pistols.

There's were also some tables in the middle with all sorts of knives, the omega even saw a sword.

Who they were to have all of those things?

Following behind, honjoong was speechless.

-And so, changbin told me you wanted some explosive right? »asked bangchan with a smile on his face -i think i have some for you.»

Smiling back at him, the leader of ateez felt like it was a Christmas day

-yes. If you have something like an Remote detonator, that would be  really perfect.» honjoong answered while he looked everywhere for something else he may need.

-i have that, come this way.» walking toward  the shelves, bangchan  stopped in front of one of them and he opened a drawer full of  small explosive only waiting to be used.   Between each one of them were small bag full of  rock salt, to avoid the humidity and make the explosive explose by accident. -That's gonna be enough for you?»

honjoong smirked.

-ohh yes. But i will just take a few. I don't need this much right now.»

-Sound good. I imagine you didn't come all this way just for that, am i wrong?»questioned his old friend while crossing his arms on his chest.

-You know me too well. This time,  I need to be more prepared than ever.»responded honjoong with a very serious expression on his face.

While the two's leader was busy talking to each other's. The rest of the groups were looking around.

For yeosang, he was staring at a pistol glock 19,who was all alone in a small table.

He wasn't the type to love pistols or any weapon, but he liked this one since it's was more smaller than the other's regular one. He looked simple, but  also very nice.

-oohh look at what i found!!» exclaimed mingi  while he showed to everyone the bulletproof vest he had on.- i look so cool in that!!»

-mingi, don't touch anything . Remember this isn't our things.» said seonghwa while he was looking at some small knife. He really needed one like those.

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