Chapter 2 Part 6- Our Fears, Phobias, and Moments of Bliss

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"Okay... how about we do something! Miyazaki, how would you feel about doing some hair?" Morita said. Miyazaki nearly perked up, her eyes filled with inspiration and excitement.

"I... uh..." she began. She looked to everyone in the room, almost asking for some sort of recognition.

"I... guess that fine..." Imamura mumbled. Miyazaki proudly stood up, and walked over to her, sitting behind her and beginning to fumble with her long blonde hair. I looked to Naito, who was staring at the room with sad eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She sighed, looking at the ground in shame.

"We... shouldn't have done this. It was a stupid idea." Naito said. I paused for a moment.

"W- well, maybe a little bit..." I replied. "B- but it was a good attempt!" She shook her head.

"No... it wasn't..." she responded.

"Miss Hirano Rei?" Someone said. I looked up, making eye contact with Tengan. "Could I speak with you... privately?"

"U- um... okay?" I replied. I stood up, and followed Tengan over to the closet at the front of the room. "S- so... what did you want t- to talk about?"

"I'll get right to the point." She began. "I am not particularly sure about something."

"S- so you're confused?" I replied. She paused for a moment, before nodding.

"Imamura has a grudge against me for certain decisions that I've decided to take in my existence. She acts like I am causing the downfall of our society, even though I am not the one who came up with the rules. I am not the one who made decisions for other people. Our fates are ceiled as soon as we enter this world, and so I was destined to be like this. So why? Why doesn't she understand my perspective? You have to do anything and everything to survive in this world. So why does Imamura insist that I am the problem with her and many others lives?" Tengan asked. I paused, staring at the floor.

"I think it's because... she wants you to do things in more of a moral way. I bet she doesn't want to argue either, but she can't help it. Her talent won't let her stop until she finally gets the world to a better place, but she can only do it a step at a time." I replied. Tengan stared into my eyes, almost seeming to be lost in comprehension.

"So... you're saying that what I've done with my life isn't moral?" She replied.

"W- well... a little bit. B- but you have the right to ch- choose what you do with it." I explained. She glared at me for a moment.

"I... don't... know." She responded. She thought to herself for a moment. "I may need some time to think about this situation-"

"H- hey... do you want to be friends?" I asked. Tengan looked up at me, her eyes wide.

"Huh?" She blurted out.

"W- well... you seemed kind of lonely, and I thought..." I started, before looking up at her. I stared for a moment, watching tears fall down her face.

"I... would enjoy that... a lot." She said, the slightest bit of a smile on her face. Come to think, that seemed like the first time I saw her smile. At least... from what I remembered. She took a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped some of the tears out of the corners of her eyes. She took a deep breath, losing her smile. "Should we return to the group?" I nodded, following her back out of the closet.

Imamura's hair had been put into a high ponytail with some of her hair in a braid, wrapping around the connecting line. She was staring at the floor, not looking at anyone. Tengan stared at her for a moment, before sitting far away from Imamura, looking away from her.

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