Chapter 32 - Joint Training Fiasco

Start from the beginning

"What? Are you just a one-trick-pony?" Shinsou asked. "You seemed pretty confident at the sportsfestival... But then again, those were one-on-one battles that would be over once you immobilized your opponent. Seems like you're not cut out for the long con... You'd be a useless pro hero."

"Will you just shut up for a second!" Denki exclaimed, getting frustrated. He knew that already! Everything Shinsou said was true! But Denki got better, he trained and he became a better hero, a better team player! It's just that this body didn't have the same handle on his quirk yet, and it was something he still wasn't quite used to. "I'm trying here! Yeah, I may not be cut out for this stuff but I'm trying! It's the same with you, right?! So don't go saying I'm useless!"

Shinsou was taken aback for a moment, and that was all the opening Denki needed. Shinsou wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and jumped in front of one of Denki's targets by mistake. This was his chance! Electricity crackled over his skin and Shinsou's eyes widened when he realized what was happening. He didn't have the time to dodge the hit, though. And when his body seized up and fell to the ground, Denki was quick to tie him up with his own binding cloth, making sure to cover his mouth so he wouldn't be able to talk again.

"Geez, you're really tough for someone who just started training," Denki said, earning a glare from Shinsou. "What? I'm serious dude! I think you're awesome! Your quirk is so cool~! You're going to be a great hero one day!"

Shinsou's eyes widened at that, simply watching Denki smile at him before struggling to pick him up and drag him over to the cage. He tried to speak, muted noises coming from his mouth. Hitoshi didn't understand... Where were they? This didn't look like the place they fought Jikan. Was that blast some sort of teleport ray? No, that didn't explain why he was tied up, or why Denki was looking the way he did. Then he saw the cage, decorated in a joyous theme, and it all came rushing back to him.

This life, this world... It wasn't his own. It was similar, but different. Then he remembered gathering intel and going over Jikan's files with Eraserhead. He remembered they were trying to build a machine, a weapon, something the Hero Commission wanted to see eliminated. Was this part of it? This...illusion? This alternate universe? Hitoshi really didn't know how to call it, didn't know why he was here, in this position. It didn't make any sense.

"Alright, you be good now, okay?" Denki smiled as he pulled down the part of the scarf that was covering his mouth, ready to back out of the cage. It's not like Shinsou was allowed to assist his teammates from inside the cage, so it didn't matter whether his mouth was covered or not. And it looked a little uncomfortable, and Denki didn't know how long he'd be in here, so it was only kind to remove it, right?

"Wait, don't go yet-" Hitoshi called out, making the blonde stop and look back at him. Dammit, why did he do that? He didn't even know what he wanted to say... What was he supposed to say in a situation like this?

"What's up?" Denki asked. "Want me to untie you?"

"No, that's- It's fine," Hitoshi sighed, his hands already messing with the scarf behind his back. He'd gotten tangled up in this thing more than he would like to admit, which is why he'd be able to escape this situation given enough time. "I... Your quirk is pretty cool, too, I guess..."

That made Denki's eyes light up, and Hitoshi had to suppress a smile. That idiot could be so cute sometimes...

"Thanks babe, but I really need to go and defeat the rest of your team now so bye bye!"

Hitoshi chuckled at that, managing to unwrap one of his arms by the time the electric blonde was out of sight. Of course Denki would flirt with him the moment they met, even in this universe. He'd called him babe, too, and Hitoshi remembered how embarrassed his own boyfriend had been the first time he called him that. They were both total gay disasters back then. But this Denki didn't seem to care, as if it wasn't the first time he'd called someone that. Hitoshi knew he shouldn't feel bothered by it, this wasn't his own world, hell, it could even be a dream, but that didn't mean it didn't sting. If only just a little bit.

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