"I- um..." I stutter, not knowing how to reply nor expecting her to have this reaction.

"You're literally in the exact same outfit as me, you copied me!"

"Yelena, tone it down on the yelling," Wanda cuts in protectively seeing as mom isn't saying anything, just watching the scene unfold.

"... Am I missing something here?" mom finally jumps in, eyeing us all suspiciously.

Ignoring her question, Yelena grabs her white puffer jacket and storms out of the door. We all follow and get situated in the car.

Since Wanda is the oldest, she gets to sit in the front seat. The only problem with that, is that Yelena is able to give me dirty looks the entire car ride to the restaurant.

I'm not sure why she's so mad, all I wanted was to be a bit more like her.

The moment we arrive, Yelena storms out and leaves the rest of us in confusion. We soon get out too and follow her in, only to see that she's already gotten us a table.

"Kid, you can't just speed off ahead like that," mom scolds her lightly as we all take our seats. I place myself beside Yelena and Wanda sits opposite me whilst mom is opposite Lena.

A few minutes go by of us looking at the menus and deciding what we want to eat when the waitress finally comes over to take our order.

As usual, we go in age order simply because it makes everything a bit easier.

It's currently Yelena's turn to say what she wants.

"I'll have a diet coke and the chicken parmesan, please," she tells the waitress, who scribbles it down on her notepad.

That actually sounds really good. I've never tried chicken parmesan before, I was just gonna order spaghetti bolognese and apple juice.

The waitress then turns to me with questioning eyes, waiting to hear what I want.

"Um, can I have the same, please?" I ask politely, using the manners that I'm reminded to use constantly.

Yelena instantly sends me daggers, the waitress quickly asks if that will be all and leaves after being told a quick 'yes' by my mom.

Why is Yelena so angry?

"What the fuck, Y/N?!" she exclaims, keeping her voice moderately quiet so she doesn't cause a scene.

"What?" I ask innocently, really not knowing what's gotten her so het up.

"First, you copy my outfit, then my food order. Why are you being such a pain?"

Having someone be angry at you isn't fun, but having a Russian angry at you, well, that's a whole other story. It's a level of anger you do not want to be the cause of.

"Yelena, calm down-" Wanda tries to defend me, but is cut off.

"No, she's being such a fucking brat!"

"Yelena," mom reprimands, using her warning tone.

"I'm not being a fucking brat," I mumble, standing up and walking over to Wanda so she can hug me. She wraps her arms around my waist and sits me down on her lap.

"Don't swear, love," she whispers in my ear since mom is too busy telling Yelena to tone it down to tell me off for that.

"Yelena can," I point out, Wanda then explains that Yelena shouldn't be and not to let her influence me to do bad things.


Dinner ended up being a whole ordeal. In the end, me and Wanda had to switch places so I was opposite her and next to mom. It did it's job and stopped my sister and I from arguing.

Now that we're back home, the TV is playing some random sitcom that Yelena's obsessed with, I think it's called Modern Family or something like that.

It's currently ten thirty, which is my bedtime. I find it utterly unfair that Wanda and Yelena get to stay up later than me. They don't even have a bedtime!

Mom does prefer Yelena to be in bed by at least midnight, though.

"Come on, baby girl," mom claps her hands and stands up. "Time to get ready for bed."

I groan and stay planted in the corner of the sofa. "I don't want to."

"I know but you have school tomorrow and I'm not having you be grouchy and rude to all your teachers. You're already on the verge of getting suspended. You used to be an angel child, I don't know where the sudden backchat to all of your teachers came from. Anyhow, come on."

Being the defiant child I am, slap my mom's outstretched hand away and tighten my grip on the sofa so I don't get dragged away.

"Y/N, you're testing my patience," she warns me, quirking a brow.

"Why doesn't Yelena have to go to bed? She's only-"

"Five years older than you. That's a big age difference. Now, if you don't get your butt upstairs right now, I will drag you up there."

Reluctantly, I start stomping up the stairs, feeling the others' eyes on me.


I don't know what's going on with Y/N, but she's been acting like a little shit all day.

Disrespecting Nat, being defiant.

The thing that's bothered me most, though, is her copying everything to do with me. I'm hoping it's just a phase, but in case it's not, maybe I should go and check on her.

"Where are you going?" Nat questions, watching as I stand up.

"Just to get something from upstairs," I reply and continue my way up to see my niece.

When I reach her room, I see that she already has her pajamas on and is currently brushing her hair.

To make myself known, I softly knock on the already open door. She instantly turns to face me before realizing who it is and facing away again.

"I didn't come all the way up here to be aired," I chuckle, walking over and lifting her up. She tells me to put her down but I ignore her and sit down on her bed with her on my lap. "Y/N, chill out," I tell her and kiss her cheek. "Look, I know we've been fighting a lot today, but that doesn't matter right now. I just want to know one thing; why are you copying me so much? My outfit, my hair, my food, my bedtime. What is it?"

She fiddles with the ends of my hair whilst she's thinking of her answer. Maybe she doesn't even know.

"I think you're really cool and I wanna be just like you. you're my inspiration," she replies sweetly. I sigh.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, why did you have to make it something cute?" I ask half frustratedly, half flattered. "Y/N, listen, your own style is very important. It's okay to take inspiration but having your own... I don't know, I don't do pep talks. Moral of the story, everyone has their own style. You're a cool little kid, alright? Having a sense of independence is a good thing."

"I guess so. I'm sorry, Lena," she apologizes, hugging me tight.

"It's alright, detka. You're just growing up."


apple juice or orange juice??

also this is the penultimate one shot🥹

natasha x daughter one shots Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt