sign of the times

Start from the beginning

"Please, Natty? I'll be careful, I promise. There's safety mats on the floor."

Reluctantly, extremely reluctantly, I allow it. However, I do lower the bars as low as they can go, which is still a good few meters up in the air.

With me directly behind her, I help her to climb up the vertical part of the monkey bars and step back when she reaches the part she actually needs to swing on.

"Y/N, I don't wanna leave you unsupervised but I am desperate for the bathroom so I'm gonna be gone for a few minutes, I am begging you to be careful."

It goes against my greater instincts to leave her alone, even if it's for a short while, but I'm gonna pee myself if I don't go now.

I tell her to be careful one last time before rushing off to the toilet.

Not wanting to leave her for too long, I quickly finish up and make my way back to the training room, where I see her swinging from bar to bar.

It isn't until I'm halfway in the room that she turns her head to see me, and takes off one of her hands to wave.

What a mistake that was.

Before I can run and catch her, Y/N loses grip with her other hand and goes plummeting down onto the crash mat.

And thank god the mats are down, because she lands on her arm and it makes a snap sound, which could've been a lot worse if she it wasn't.

I let out a loud gasp before yelling, "Tigger!" and running over to a sobbing Y/N. I guess Wanda was on her way down here to train too because she comes running in in her training clothes.

"What happened?!" the witch hurriedly asks, joining me on the floor with my daughter.

"She fell. Y/N, what hurts? Is it your arm?"

Throughout the sobs and gasps, it's hard to make out what she's trying to say, but I do catch onto one word and that's 'wrist'.

"Okay, it's okay." I'm trying my hardest to keep calm for her right now, despite my heart literally pounding outside of my chest. "We just need to go to the hospital, love. Come on, I'll carry you."

Just as I'm about to scoop her up, Y/N starts flailing around and kicking me off. I quickly let go as me and Wanda are left in confusion.

"No hospital!" she cries, holding her wrist like a hurt puppy.

"Baby, we have to," I try and reason with her, "It's the only way we can make your wrist feel better. None of our medics are in right now so we have to go somewhere that has doctors. That place is the hospital."

The way her breathing picks up definitely doesn't no unnoticed by me nor by her aunt.

"M-my mom and dad went into the hospital, and they d-didn't come out."

My heart positively cracks at her words, and her fear. No child should have to go through the loss that she did.

"Your mom and dad were very, very sick, baby. That won't happen to you," I reassure and lift her onto my lap so that hopefully I can calm her down with physical contact.

Y/N doesn't know her parents were murdered, that knowledge would be far too much for her to handle. She just thinks they got really ill, and I'm keeping it that way until she's older. She'll thank me when she knows I've protected her from years of pain.

"What if I die, too?" she asks in a quiet voice, her cries turning into sniffles now that the initial shock has worn off.

Me and Wanda look at each other in compassion for the girl. It isn't something you want to hear a ten year old say.

"You're not gonna die, baby. You know why? Because me and your aunt Wanda are gonna be with you and we'll always protect you."

"Yeah," Wanda nods, placing a hand on Y/N's back, "And if it's any reassurance, I've broken my arm before, too. About two years ago when I was training in here. I had to go to hospital and I'm still here."

"I remember," Y/N whispers, grimacing from the pain she's in. "Okay."

"Okay as in you'll let us take you?" I ask hopefully. She nods. "Thank you, sweetheart. Let's go."

natasha x daughter one shots Where stories live. Discover now