The Victorious Return

Start from the beginning

Smiling, Tanner turned to look Lash in the eyes.

"See you in a bit, boss," she said, biting her lower lip as she reached out to touch the sides of his torso lightly. Then she turned and joined the rest of Naryan's Force Recon platoon.

Naryan stepped to Lash's side as the big vampire watched the Force Recon legionnaires make their way off the flight deck, a thoughtful look on his face.

"She likes you, you know," she said lightly. "Alot. They all do."

"I don't need the hero worship, Narya," he said, looking over at her as his thoughtful expression became a frown. "They need to stay professional and focused on their missions."

"They will," Naryan said with a wry chuckle. "I'll make sure of it. I'm just saying that while most of them sleep with other women because of necessity, all of them would like you to split them like a cord of wood. Tanner especially."

"Delicate as always, eh, Narya?" Lash said with a laughing snort.

"I know you've got liliths hanging on your every word. But there are ordinary vampiresses out there that like you too, you big dummy," she said. "And because you're you. Not because you're an alpha prime."


"No. They like the fact you're an alpha prime, too."

Lash snorted again.

"You know, I don't suffer from a needy ego. You can stop stroking it at any time and I'll be fine."

"What? I thought you liked the way I stroked it for you," Naryan replied with a mischievous grin.

"We are so not talking about the same thing," Lash flatly observed, looking at her with a brow raised. Only to watch her start laughing.

He was about to call her on it when another voice spoke from nearby.

"My Lord Ingamon Lash!" a woman's voice smartly said.

Turning towards it, Lash found a vampiress in Silver Legion colors even though she was no legionnaire. She was a House Lash Valkyrie, a vampiress-only force formed by drawing female nestari out of their Dragon's Own regiment to create their own company. And behind her in crisp ranks stood the Valkyrie company that nearly single-handedly destroyed Romanescu's base by themselves. All without taking a single casualty.

"Major Kahleth," he replied, remembering her name from Darktower's brief. "My congratulations to you and your company for a well-fought mission. You brought honor and glory to your House and your Clan."

"Thank you, my lord," Kahleth replied, she and her company saluting with fist over heart. Then, at some hidden signal, they all went down on one knee, heads bowed, one arm over their raised knee and the other a fist against the ground.

"Our lives and blood for House Lash!" they shouted in one voice.

"Glory to the Valkyries!" Lash shouted back as pride swelled in his breast, holding up his clenched fist.

"Glory to House Lash! Victory to Ventru!"

"Victory to Ventru!" they shouted in return, holding up their clenched fists in reply. "Victory to House Lash! Victory to Ventru!"

The Valkyries were still buzzing with positive energy when, moving quickly but still in unison, the Silver Legion extraction team began marching past with liliths still in their containment suits slung on a carry tarp between them.

"Hunter, prep the medical bay. We have incoming," Lash pushed aside his pride in the Valkyries to grimly direct.

"Acknowledged, Lord Commander. Medical cells are activating." Then Hunter's voice was ringing through the base. "This is a Level One medical alert. All medical personnel to the medical bay. I repeat, this is a Level One medical alert. All medical personnel to the medical bay."

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