The Next Order of Business

Start from the beginning

Inaya's answering smile was brilliant as she returned his look.

"Thank you, Lash," she said. "Narcist is an excellent teacher!"

"That, she is," he said before his brow lifted in silent question. "Those papers are new."

Inaya's smile brightened, which Lash didn't think was possible with how brilliant her smile currently was, as she looked down at the papers she held perhaps a little too tightly in her hand.

"Yes. These are confirmation papers from Clan Ganges that I have been officially shorn from clan and House." She looked back at him, her eyes wide and luminous.

"I can now be Embraced by House Lash and clan Ventru!"

Lash nodded, his smile warming.

"Then let us not wait a moment longer." He glanced around the command center. "Are you comfortable being Embraced out here? Or would you prefer a little privacy?"

"I ... must admit to being unfamiliar with the ceremony, Lash," Inaya confessed, her cheeks reddening slightly. "If there's intimacy involved, I wouldn't mind a little privacy!"

"There isn't," Lash assured her. "While simple, it can be intensely personal, however. Not every vampire enjoys feeling that vulnerable in the moment they are Embraced as they transition from one set of realities in their life to a completely different set."

"I understand," Inaya said, gazing unwaveringly up at him. "While in your presence, the last thing I feel is vulnerable. I have never felt so protected as I do with you."

Lash inclined his head in silent thanks and respect.

"It has always been the honor and privilege for House Lash to protect, honor, and cherish the queens of our people," he solemnly said. "And it will be an honor and a privilege to have you in my House."

"Thank you," Inaya said softly, her smile fading into something more intense and emotional. "That's the first time in my entire life that somebody has told me it will be a privilege to have me in their House! I, I can't tell you what that means to me."

Lash bowed his head once again.

"No need to, Inaya. As I said, you honor us by wishing to be Embraced by House Lash!"

Inaya let go of a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"On second thought, I would like some privacy with you, if that's alright," she said, her eyes devouring the sight of him.

"Of course." Lash indicated the door to the Lord Commander's office, set directly across from the doors to his apartment. "Please, let us go to my office!"

It took a moment for Inaya to calm down enough to focus on the simple, yet intense ceremony. As soon as she had, Lash smiled at her.


She nodded without saying anything, her eyes focused on him as she worked on keeping her breathing steady. Seeing that, Lash gave her another smile before reaching into his desk to bring out a plain, but functional dagger, its sheath marked with the crest of the Qos Viran.

"Inaya Patel." He smoothly drew the dagger and put the sheath back onto the top of the desk. "As High Lord of House Lash, I embrace you, and take you into my household, granting you status as a full member of that household, able to draw completely on House Lash's resources, power, and might. Sanguis tuus in sanguine meo. Your blood to my blood. Sanguis meo in sanguine tuo. My blood to your blood."

Reaching out with his blade, he made a small cut on Inaya's slightly trembling left hand. As blood quickly appeared, he leaned down to kiss the cut, putting her blood on his lips, Inaya gasping quietly as he did. Then, as she looked at him with eyes wide as they drank him in, he put a small cut on his hand before extending it to her. Without hesitation Inaya kissed the small wound and put his blood on her lips, which she quickly licked off.

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