The sounds of rough shuffling caught my attention. Buff men that I have never seen before were dragging people with bags over their heads and wrist tied behind their back, it didn't take long for me to realise they were the Exo members.

My body reacted to the threats that were making themselves known, I positioned myself, so my body was in of Baekhyun, protecting him from anything else.

"Well, isn't that sweet." The crackle of Dohwa's voiced echoed from the very top of the stairs case. He proceeds to walk to the landing from the left side of the upper staircase. Shiny silver pistol in his dominant hand, no doubt it's the one with an 'L' engraved on it. "You really thought you could get away with this?"

By now my adrenaline and hit overdrive, my body shock uncontrollably as they burning hot tears continued to stream down my face. I will protect my family. "Go to hell, Dohwa."

He laughed again, causing my body to want to pounce at him and rip him to shreds. I couldn't, killing anyone on this mission will rip away our immunity, I can't risk any of this. I need to end this, I don't know how, but I needed to. This ends here, tonight.

"Don't be like that, my sweet Chaeyeong." He laughs out manically. Siwoo had managed to move from the patio to up the stairs, standing next to bat shit crazy father. "See, it was only meant to be your lover boy down there, who was meant to perish tonight. But I can't help but think, that maybe you watching your friends suffer first, one by one, would be more entertaining."

His henchmen at the side of the room, dropped each member down to their knees and ripped the bags off each of their heads. Executioner style.







I did a mental count, looking at each and everyone of their faces, someone is missing, Minseok. My heart wanted to leap out of my chest, did he manage to escape and call for backup? Or did something bad happened to him?

The guys looked bruised and beaten up already, they most certainly put up a fight against their attackers, the odds were just stacked against us right now. "You touch any of them and I won't hesitate to slit your throat myself." I said through gritted teeth.

"We'll get to that." The corners of his mouth tug up in an amused smirk, he was playing a game with us, and the sick bastard was enjoying it. "But first, none of this would be possible if it wasn't for a special someone. I'll admit, you almost had me. If it wasn't for Ten, I would have been arrested by now."

If anything else happens to my heart tonight, I think it might exploded.

Betrayal, the searing pain of betrayal felt like salt was being rubbed into my wounds. I trusted him, gave him another chance, an offer for him to be different and he betrayed me.

He came form the opposite side of where Dohwa came from, he walked down the stairs with his head down. I hate him. I hate myself for thinking he could be different, that he wanted freedom. I was wrong and was stupid for letting him hurt me again.

It was different from the last time, this time he hurt my family and my loved ones, I've lost all sort of respect for him. "No." I whispered under my breath. This can't be real; this has to be a dream.

It hurts too much to be a dream.

"You see." Dohwa pulled him forward, to stand between him and Siwoo. He threw one arm over his shoulder and the other grabbed him by the jaw aggressively. "All it took was a bit of... persuasiveness. And he sang like a Canary."

I saw the look on Ten's face, shame and hatred. Dohwa did what he does best, manipulation and torture. As much as my heart was full of hatred because of his betrayal, it also broke a little bit at the endless cycle he was stuck in – the one we are all trying to get out of.

"Take me." I say, standing up in front of Baekhyun, still shielding him with my body. "Let them all go, and I'll do anything you say."

"Bambi, no." Baekhyun groaned out from his crouched position, still losing a lot of blood.

"Let every single person out of here alive, and I promise to be loyal to you." I choke out, trying to sound as strong as I can. If letting them have freedom, means that I lose mine completely, then I will gladly do it. "They won't come after you."

Dohwa looks down at me, as if he was trying to read my face to see if I was telling the truth. He threw a sinister smiles towards me before pulling away from Ten and handing him his gun. "I had a feeling you'd say that. Here's the thing, my dear Chaeyeong, I simply have no need for you anymore. You or your mother."

"What?" I whispered out, confused at what he meant. Who knows with his man, he's a psychopath.

As if on cue, another henchman I had never seen before, appears at the same place Dohwa emerged from. He was guiding a women with a bag over her head, it wasn't any women, it was my mother.

My pulse raged at the sight, almost putting me in cardiac arrest with how fast it was pumping. I felt like the walls were closing on me, becoming smaller as I watched her being dragged down each step. The air felt tight, like a pair of hands had wrapped themselves around my neck. I felt like my head was stuck underwater and the surface had frozen over. I was drowning.

Dohwa took a hold of her, pulling the bag from her head, Her face was bruised and bloody, I wanted nothing more than to kill this man myself. "You hurt her, and I will kill you. Don't test me."

He laughed once more, I could feel Baekhyun's presents behind me, reaching for me. He's dying and he need helps, I can't let him die here, I can't let my mother get hurt either or any of them.

"Your mother is simply dried up and used. I only kept her as a trophy, for what I did to Minho." He wrapped his fingers through the hair on the back of her head, pulling it back. "You reminded me so much of your father, that I wanted nothing more than to keep you forever. But, you've simply pissed me off too much that I don't want to deal with you, anymore"

"I hope you rot in hell, you psychopath!" I was able to taste my hot salty tears as they rolled down my face and onto my lips.

"I hope to see you there. After all, every death tonight will be at you hands, because everyone involved with you get's hurt." It was like time had slowed down, I didn't know what was happening until after it happened.

Dohwa pulled a knife and dragged it across my mother's neck. Blood poured and splattered from the open gash; her eyes widened as she gargled on her own blood. She wasn't going to survive this, this was it. Dohwa used his hand that was tangled in her hair and pushed her forward, over the balcony.

Her body cracked as it thumped on the marble floor. Blood began to pool around her twisted body, she never moved.

"NO!" I scream out as I ran my way to her.

I grabbed her head in one hand and placed my free one her wound, trying to stop the bleeding that wasn't going to stop until she was drained of it. The sounds of my screams and wails had been muffled, this didn't feel real one bit.

It was real.

He blood saturated my already stained dress, and I was nearly completely covered in blood that wasn't my own. Her eyes were lifeless, her body was cold, colder than normal. My trembling hands struggled to find the pulse point on her neck. There was nothing, she was gone.

"Mum, please." I started to rock her body in mine. "Please don't leave me, I promised to get you out of this mess. I promised."

It didn't take long for my hysterics to turn to rage. I placed her body on the ground, closing her eyes with my bloody fingers. I managed to stand back up on my wobbly legs, I slowly took a few steps backwards and pulled my gun from the strap on my thigh.

I point it at his head. "Bambi...DON'T!" I heard Baekhyun yell and try to shuffle his way towards me.

"Save me a seat in hell, you fucker." I say through gritted teeth and a gun shot rang out.

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