Chapter 11 - Intel gathering and Rooftop jumping

Start from the beginning

"Alright, but you better not forget to fucking call me," Katsuki hissed. "I swear I'll kill you."

"Love you too," Izuku smiled, seeing Aizawa motion for him to end the call. "I have to go now, talk to you later, bye."

"There's movement," Aizawa stated, pointing down at the alley below. They weren't just mindlessly patrolling Hosu, mind you, they were actually here on a mission. Eraserhead had intercepted some useful intel about Jikan and as if by fate, that had led them to Hosu city. Maybe the universe was finally being kind to Izuku? It would be a nice change of pace, actually. "Be on guard and follow my lead, don't make any rash decisions, understand?"

"Affirmative," Izuku nodded, pulling the hood of his hero costume over his head before following his mentor down the fire escape stairs into the alley. The person they were following pressed a brick into the wall, making a hidden passage appear. The door closed behind them, but Izuku had seen which brick was the activation key. Eraserhead was the first to arrive at the door, both of them looking around for possible witnesses or hidden cameras before risking going inside.

"We don't know what we'll find, so stay close and stay hidden," Eraser commanded. Izuku nodded, following his teacher inside as the door closed behind them. The sterile white halls left little room for camouflage, let alone hiding spaces, but luckily there didn't seem to be that many people present. Jikan wasn't a large organization, not at all, so Izuku hadn't expected the halls to be crowded anyway. The only thing that was really stopping them were the security systems they'd installed.

Unfortunately for Jikan, Eraserhead was an experienced underground hero who knew how to avoid getting spotted and Izuku was well-trained in avoiding detection because of his experience in sneaking out of the dorms when he was still a student. That and sneaking away from bodyguards whenever there was a social gathering the Hero Commission demanded he'd attend, although Kacchan almost always helped him escape those events. The point was that even these state of the art security systems were no match for the two of them and they managed to get into what seemed like a workshop of some kind.

This place was a lot messier than the neat hallways they traversed, blueprints with coffee stains sprawled out across a large desk, mechanical parts littered everywhere and a huge monitor running numbers and calculations too advanced for Izuku's knowledge. Aizawa tossed him a usb stick, wordlessly telling him what to do. Izuku nodded, plugging it into the computer and downloading everything he had access to. Which was a lot, to be honest. For people who secured their building so well, you'd think they'd at least have a password on some of their files but apparently not. They must've thought nobody could bypass their cameras, let alone find their secret hideout.

Eraserhead took pictures of the blueprints and some of the half-built machinery. It would be easier and quicker to just take the prints with them, but then Jikan would know someone broke in. When they gathered all the information they had at their disposal, they started making their way back out. But Izuku was careless, he was spotted by the person who came in before them. The alarm was triggered, the horrible noise blaring through the halls. Izuku quickly grabbed Aizawa sensei, activating his quirk and darting through the halls, making a run for it.

He could see the door opening in front of them, they just had to make it the last few meters! Izuku felt a stab in his leg, though, making him stumble and fall, the green energy that surrounded him dying down as they tumbled over the ground. Izuku groaned, feeling numb, unable to crawl back up again. Eraser reacted first, wrapping his problem student up and binding him to his back with his scarf before escaping to the rooftop through the fire escape stairs. Some Jikan members followed them for a few blocks, but they lost them fairly quickly.

"Are you alright?" Aizawa asked, putting Izuku down on a higher rooftop, one that gave them a broad view of their surroundings and multiple escape routes in case necessary.

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