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Ria really knows where you can party good in London. We saw four different clubs, getting us into the VIP areas of each of them easily. But that last part may have been my name more than hers. We were treated like royals in the last one, them handing us free drinks all the while we were there. We may or may not have misbehaved in there a bit. It's too easy to drink too much, while you're out with friends. I would have said the open bar made it even easier, but with my bank account it doesn't really matter.

"Come on, let's go back to the hotel." Evi slurs, wrapping an arm around my shoulder putting most of her weight on my body. Where I'm usually very steady on my feet, my intoxicated body couldn't really handle the weight and we both fall to the ground. Catching myself with my hand, I wince as a sharpe pain shoots through my left wrist.

"Yeah we should." I say clenching my left wrist as Ellis and Ria help us get up. My wrist immediately starts throbbing, and even with all the alcohol I can feel the pain. I try to push it to the back of my mind as the four of us leave the club, flagging down a taxi to bring the three of us to the hotel. However we make sure that the taxi drives past Ria's house first. Just to make sure she's not going through the city all by her own.

Once the taxi arrives back at the hotel, the three of us all stumble to our own rooms. Ellis asking me to hang out tomorrow, but I tell her I've got some things to take care off with my UK-based record label. It's a believable cover for my date with Lando, and it doesn't really leave any open spots in the day.

Getting back into my room, I make sure to down a bottle of water with some paracetamol to make sure that I'm feeling slightly better in the morning. Hoping that alongside preventing the hangover, it'll also ease the still very prominent throbbing in my wrist. I then strip down to my underwear and climb into bed. My body heavy after a fun but exhausting day, falling into a deep slumber quite quickly.

The next morning I do not wake up from my alarm as I expected, I wake up to a throbbing and soaring pain in my wrist. As I try to push myself up, so I can sit on the bed properly. An excruciating pain shoots through my arm. I close my eyes again, hoping the pain will subside more quickly. Once it is bearable again, I open my eyes holding up my left wrist.

Memories of last night flooding my thoughts. I fell on it. I take in the sight of my wrist. I immediately notice how it's bruised and very swollen.

This is not good.

Scratch that, this is bad. I get myself out of bed, into my robe and out to the bathroom. Shoving some ibuprofen and paracetamol into my mouth, swallowing it with water. This better help soon.

I then remove the robe, using my good hand to remove my underwear too. Turning on the water, I try and take a shower. Rinsing the sweat and alcohol of last night from my body.

Showering was very tricky as every movement I made with my left hand was followed by an immense pain.

Getting out of the shower, I realise that I will not be able to get properly dressed without any help. Reaching for my phone, I think about who would be the best choice to help me. Ellis, Evi and Ava all work for me, so somewhere that didn't really seem like a proper choice. Although they have seen me on my lowest, and also they are closest to me.

However, I don't feel comfortable with them seeing me naked and helping me get dressed. So I call the one person, who has seen it all. The person I love, the person to whom I had agreed to take it slow.

I don't know if this counts as taking it slow. But I do it anyway. I wiggle myself into my robe, as careful as possible. Before sitting down on the toilet and dialing Lando's number.

It's only nine, I'm hoping he's awake yet. I listen as the phone rings multiple times. My hope decreasing with every ring. However on what I believe is the last ring, I hear his voice.

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