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After the London concert celebrations we all boarded Max' private plane, ready for a well deserved almost two weeks in Greece.  For most of the group it will be the well deserved break they are craving. For Evi, Ellis and I it's not necessarily a break, as we've got a concert to do in the middle of the week. 

We have rented a house together on Zakynthos, and Max offered his private plane for the concert. But when he did, the rest of the group decided to come and join the concert. Which meant we were really only flying out for the concert, much to the dismay of Ava. However, I decided that I need some time to relax in this hectic summer.

Which brings us to today, Thursday August 10. Up until today we've been together as a group, most of us enjoying the pool. I did get one of those bags for over my cast, so I could go in, but I didn't feel comfortable. So while the others were doing fun stuff in the pool, I was sat on the side of the pool. My feet, often times, hanging in the pool to get me the much deserved freshness.

I didn't mind sitting on the side of the pool by myself, I had some fun books to entertain me. However, Lando had decided that today should be a day I got to enjoy too. Because he stated, and I quote: 'you can't fully enjoy this holiday like this, so I'll make sure you'll be entertained.'

I don't know what he means with those words, but I am curious enough to step into a car with him. We drive around the island for a bit, before Lando pulls into a parking lot. 

'Zakynthos Island Spa' the sign at the entrance of the parking lot reads. 

"A spa?" I ask, looking at Lando. 

"I thought you could use a way to relax." He says. "So I booked us a massage, and I know we're both not really the people who can lay still. But I thought it'd be nice to get the stress and nerves out of our systems this way." 

I smile at him, his nervous rambling making me laugh. "It's very thoughtful of you." I say taking his hand in mine, and pressing a light kiss on it, before getting out of the car. 

Lando leads us to the entrance of the idillic spa, where an employee guides us to this room where two massage tables are set up. 

Throughout the massage Lando and I talk with the employees. Not letting them know anything about our professions, enjoying the anonymity. Once the hour long massage is finished, I feel rested. More rested than I have in a while, which isn't that odd if you consider the stress I've been under. 

"Thanks for this." I tell Lando as we walk out of the building, and toward the rental car. I lean my head on his shoulder, trying to be as close to him as possible. 

"You're welcome, you know I do it with all the pleasure in the world." He say, placing a small kiss on top of my head. "It's not all though." He says, before opening the car door for me, and helping me put the seat belt on. It's not like I can't do it with my hand in a cast, but it hurts a bit and Lando knows. So I'm enjoying this bit of care for as long as I can. 

"Are you going to tell me what else you've got planned?" I ask him as he backs out of the parking lot. 

"I wasn't planning on it." He says putting his phone in the holder for navigation purposes. 

We chat a bit as we drive along the coastline of the Greek island. The island itself is breath taking, and the people are so friendly. And most importantly, we've barely run into any fans so it actually feels like a proper get away. 

"Did I ever tell you about the time my mom lost me in the sea?" I ask Lando, looking out at a crowded beach with people in the water. 

"No?" He answers with a light chuckle. 

"Well, we were on vacation at some Dutch coastal city, spending a day at the beach. And I found some girl and her dad in the water and I played along with them a bit, as my mom didn't really want to be in the water all the time. So of course the tides started changing and apparently we moved quite far away from my mom and she lost me. So she actually alarmed the coastal guards and it was this whole big ordeal. All the while I still knew where my mom was and I didn't even know I had done something wrong." He looks at me with horror in his eyes. "She was so scared, and I didn't understand a thing of it." 

"I feel so sorry for her." Lando says a soft smile resting on his face. "But I'm happy nothing happened to you, because we wouldn't have met if it did." 

I feel a blush creeping on my face, my cheeks turning bright red in the process. After driving around for a bit longer, Lando pulls onto another parking lot. One that I recognise is close to the beach. The place I've tried to avoid while we're here, because I want to avoid getting sand in my cast at all cost. 

"We have to get out here." Lando says shutting off the engine, and helping me unlock my seatbelt again. 

Hand in hand we walk through the dunes towards the beach. While I was expecting a fully packed public beach, it turned out to be a private and secluded one. And not only that, but right on the beach there's this small restaurant. 

The restaurant has about 5 tables, and only one is free, which I suspect Lando has reserved for us. My suspicions are confirmed as Lando leads me to the restaurant. "Table for two under Fewtrell." He says to the waiter and I look at him with surprise. 

"What? We said we wanted to stay out of the spotlight, thought I could use Max' last name for this." He says squeezing my hand a bit as we follow the waiter to our table. 

"We're serving a five course meal, made by our chef. Would you like to follow our recommanded wines along the meal?" The waiter asks, and I look at Lando for confirmation. He doesn't drink that often, and I know he doesn't necessarily enjoy wine, so I feel that this should be his choice. 

"Yes, we would very much like that." Lando answers the waiter. 

"Alright then, I've got one more thing to confirm. I have written down that the meal should be without any fish. Is this for the both of you?" 

I laugh at the question asked by the waiter, and know it was Lando's doing. He'll never even touch a fish. And while I do like some fish, I know that I would please him a lot by opting for no fish tonight. "That's correct, both of us don't eat fish." I explain, not wanting to go into dept. The waiter just nodding in response. 

"I wish you both a very pleasant evening, and I'll be over soon with you're first wine." 

"You've outdone yourself again Norris." I say taking one of his hands in mine, smiling up at him. 

"You have no idea how happy it makes me, that you wanted to come with me today." He answers matching my smile. 

The dinner is wonderful, and so are the wines that accompany the different courses. I'm really enjoying myself and the time spend with Lando. I wish we could stay in this little bubble with our friends forever. They all know there's a bit more going on between Lando and I again, as it's pretty much impossible to not let it show. Yes we did have our own rooms, and we spend the nights separated. But we've both been craving contact all throughout the week, that we had decided to just let it happen. Knowing that the people we are here with, will keep it quiet for as long we need them to be. 

"Aims?" Lando asks interrupting my thoughts as I'm staring out over the ocean. 


"I don't want to ask this again, because it makes me nervous that there's something to lose again." He says and I can see the anxiety in his eyes. 

"Just say whatever you want or need to say Lan. Remember, we'd keep talking, both of us." I tell him reaching out to take his hand in mine again. 

"I want us to be official again." He blurts out, realising what he said he continues to speak. "I want us to be together again, outside the spotlight of course. But I want to be able to say to people I know privately that I've got a girlfriend. Outside the spotlight I want to show you off again." 

A smile breaks out on my face as the words leave his lips. 

"I'd love that Lan." I tell him leaning over the table a bit, pecking his lips as they meet in the middle. 

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