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I leave Ava in the living room, aware that whatever might be said between Lando and I needs to be private. But I also realise that if things go south, I will need Ava there. She has truly become my rock over the years. She is definitely more like a best friend than a manager at times.

I press Lando's contact for a FaceTime call. The first time he doesn't answer, and I'm not even surprised, he must be on the plane. I take a deep breath before trying once again.

This time Lando does answer, and I can tell he is still at an airport. "Hi," he breathes into the screen, while I can hear the airport murmurs on the back ground.

"Hi," I say, immediately realising that it was a terrible idea to call him right now. "This is not a right time, I'll call you back later." I say quickly ending the call and turning my phone off. Aware that he'd be trying to call me back, and I can't handle that, not now.

I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes again, it doesn't even take long for me to be full on sobbing. Ava coming into the room to check up on me, but I yell at her to get out of my room. Somehow between the tears, I'm trying to understand all that's been going on in my body and mind. The thought process seriously tiring, somehow falling asleep with all the emotions still very much present in my body.

I wake up to voices whispering. I just keep my eyes closed, very aware of the fact that the voices must be in my bedroom.

"She's been like this ever since she tried to call Lando last night." I hear Ava say.

"What did he say?" The other voice, I recognise is Charlotte's voice, answers. I can hear the worry and slight anger in her voice.

"I have no idea, she never spoke to me after the call. She just cried." Ava explains, her voice soft.

"It's bad then, isn't it?" Charlotte says before they quietly leave my bedroom again.

This time I do open my eyes, reaching for my phone and turning it on again. Immediately many missed calls appear on the screen. Most missed calls are from Lando, but there's definitely more. I see missed calls from Max Fewtrell, Oscar Piastri and some from the McLaren Technical Center as well.

There's a part of me that would like to immediately call all those numbers back, even if I know it was Lando each and every time. Another part of me is still sad that somehow we hadn't managed to stay supportive for one another over the weekend.

I sigh, wanting to put the phone away, but somehow I get drawn to Instagram. I can see Lando has posted new pictures on Lando.jpg. Most are from the flight back to London yesterday. The people around him smiling from ear to ear, yet Lando isn't even in most of them. And if he's in the picture he looks sad. Sometimes he's wearing his fake smile, the one that definitely doesn't reach his eyes.

I put my phone away, turning it off again not wanting to see the different attempts Lando will probably do to contact me. I then get out off the bed, getting into my bathroom and trying to make myself look somewhat representable.

I put on some work out clothes, knowing my body might feel slightly better after doing something active. I take a deep breath before going into the living room, aware that Charlotte and Ava are probably still there.

"Good morning," I mumble walking to the kitchen getting a cup of coffee before sitting down on the couch with them.

"Are you alright?" Charlotte asks carefully, as she does not want to hurt my feelings.

"Kind of, I just need to talk to Lando. But I don't think I'm ready for that." I admit.

"Why not? If there's one thing I've learned from dating a Formula 1 driver it is that talking is the most important thing. And I can imagine it is even more difficult if you both are away all the time." She explains and I take in all her words, knowing she's right. Knowing that she probably understands what I'm going through to some extend.

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