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"Can you please tell me what they said. I need to know their exact words." I tell Ellis, trying to calm myself down. I don't know what they've said exactly, so I can't get really angry yet.

"Well Ilias said something like 'I don't know how the guy can be with her. She's just using him, I don't get how no one around him warns him for girls like her' and then Danny jumped in 'me neither, she's just a slut, sleeping around with anyone who can give her more fame. Just like Martin Garrix last year.'"

I can feel my blood boiling, not sure how to respond to it. Tears stinging in my eyes, not believing that two people who should have my back are pulling this off. "Fucking assholes." I hiss angrily. "I want them out, now. They don't belong in my team. They don't even deserve this chance." Ava and Ellis just look at me, taking in the anger radiating from me. Probably not answering immediately because they need me to calm down first. Not wanting me to make any spur of the moment decisions. "I'm serious, I'd rather spend the whole day rehearsing tomorrow to manage a show with six dancers. I'm not doing another show with those two in it."

Ava takes a deep breath, going over the words I just said in her mind. "I'll get us a conference room, so we can tell the two of them. And then come up with a plan to fix this. You get your thoughts together, calm down a bit, and come find me. I'll take care of the rest." Ava walks out of the room leaving me with Ellis.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm my boiling blood. Tears still stinging in my eyes, as the anger is also very prominent. "I don't get what I did to deserve this." I yell grabbing the pillow from my bed and throwing it through the room.

"You did nothing Aims." Ellis says, putting a hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down, the small gesture does the opposite though. "They're just stupid boys, creating sensation. They are not here for themselves, and especially not for you."

I take another deep breath, trying to let Ellis's words sink in. "I know, but I don't like this negativity around here. I don't need the negativity on this tour. So I would rather get rid of them now, then spend another hour with them." My little rant is interrupted with my phone ringing, Lando's name written on it. "I cannot do this right now." I say, looking at his name sadly. I feel too fed up to be talking to Lando right now. 

"Let me take it, you go freshen up your face. Make sure you look somewhat presentable." Ellis says, taking the phone from me.

I walk into the bathroom, grabbing a wash cloth, moving it over my face. Feeling slightly better immediately by the cold of the cloth. When I get back into the room, Ellis informs me that she had not said too much to Lando. Just told him I had to take care of some staff issues and I'd call or text him later if it turned out to be too late to call. Grateful for how she's handling the situation as well. 

Ellis walks with me to the conference room that Ava had texted me to come to. Only Tony and Ava are in the room yet, when we arrive. I motion for Ellis to walk in so we can get Tony up to date on the situation at hand. Luckily for me, Tony was very understanding even confirming most of Ellis' story as well. So once Danny and Ilias arrive in the room. I'm very confident in the decision I am going to make. When the two boys enter the room, Ellis makes her way out, giving us the privacy we need.

"So," I start, gathering the courage to say the words that have been going through my mind.  "I've heard some very concerning things regarding your behaviour. And I want you to know that I do not condone bad mouthing me in any circumstance. We're a team here, and we need to have each other's backs all the time. I have done a warning to all of you, before and especially to you Ilias. Which is why it is with regret that I have to tell you, you will no longer be a part of this tour." I say, the two boys just looking at each other.

"Well that's good, because I don't want to be part of someone's tour that is using her boyfriend to get more exposure." Danny says. "And he doesn't even know it."

I do my best to stay calm, not responding to his stupid comment. Letting Ava take the lead from there on. All the paperwork is being done, and within no time the other dancers are joining us in the conference room.

Tony quickly explaining what had happened to the others. Before explaining how we would spend most of tomorrow rehearsing. Not just the dancers, me as well, in between interviews. It would take a lot of work and energy, but I'm fairly positive we can make this work. Ava had already arranged for the interviews to take place at the arena, so I would need to travel between different venues whilst also switching between interviews and rehearsals.

It is already past midnight when I finally get back to my bedroom and have time to look at my phone. Multiple texts from Lando on my phone asking me whether I'm okay, the last one was only five minutes ago. The last message saying that he wouldn't go to bed without knowing I'm okay. 

I press his contact in FaceTime, the phone barely ringing as his face appears on my screen almost instantly. "Thank god you are okay." He says, a tired look on his face but smiling at me none the less.

"Yeah." I sigh before diving into explaining all that had happened today.

"I didn't really get a good vibe from either of them to be honest. But I'm happy you made this decision for yourself." He says smiling, trying to push away a yawn. "I'd love to keep talking though, but I have to go. I need to be somewhat presentable tomorrow."

"I know, I know. Go get your beauty sleep." I say with a chuckle before blowing a kiss at the screen and ending the call.

The next morning, I wake up feeling slightly hungover even though I didn't have a single glass of alcohol last night. Last nights events having taken their toll on me. All the information and stress it gave me, mentally exhausting me. 

I quickly text Lando good morning, knowing it will take an hour or two before he actually wakes up. I then get into my workout clothes, packing two extra work out sets and two regular outfits for the interviews. I quickly get a yoghurt and some fruit from the breakfast buffet, before Ava drives me to the venue. Eating my breakfast in the car, as there's not really the time for a sit down breakfast today. 

After the first round of rehearsals, Ava pulls me to the side telling me it's time for the first interview. I can already tell this will be a very exhausting day. 

"I don't want you to worry, but there might be some questions about a statement that Ilias and Danny send into the world earlier. Just stay true to your story, and we will deal with the rest later." Ava says as I'm changing into some regular clothes and redoing my ponytail.

I take a deep breath, before nodding and walking into the interview area. 


edited 11/12/2023

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