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"Turn it off." I groan, putting the pillow on my head. A slight throbbing feeling in my head as the alarm fills the room.

"It's yours, Aims." Lando chuckles, he must be feeling a lot better than I am. Somehow I did end up drinking too much at the celebrations on Charles' boat. I groan as the alarm sounds starts over again, reaching over to my nightstand so I can actually turn it off. 

I sigh, why did I agree to flying out today again? I turn around, scrolling through the pictures on my Instagram. My feed filled with many pictures of yesterdays grand prix. I look at the corner of the room, my suitcase luckily already packed. An outfit for today resting on top of it. 

"Ava's picking you up, right?" Lando wonders as he hands me a bowl of yoghurt, together with some fresh orange juice. My go to breakfast on travel days. 

"Yeah, in an hour if I'm not mistaken." I devour the food quickly, knowing that I'll have to hurry if I want to be ready when Ava arrives. 

After finishing the food and drink in front of me, I take something to ease away the headache. I then quickly shower, rinsing the sweat of all the dancing I did last night of my body. As the hot beams hit my body, images of my conversation with Pierre flash through my mind. 

Why had I said yes? I know he said that it wasn't a date, but I couldn't help but having this inkling that it was not true. I also made note that whatever was about to happen was not going to be said to Lando. I do not trust his response. Lando can be a bit jealous at times.  

As I rinse the soap from my body, I shake the feeling I have. Turning off the water and getting out of the shower. I get into the outfit Ava had told me to wear, before blow drying my hair and putting it in a high ponytail. 

Walking into the living room with my packed suitcase and backpack, I immediately notice Ava sitting at the counter. She's talking to Lando about our itinerary for this trip. 

"So today and tomorrow morning in Rome, after that we're flying to Milan" Ava says, and I can feel my heart sinking already. Lando thought I would be in Rome until Wednesday, and that was correct until I decided to tell Pierre that I'd be in the city on Tuesday. 

"I thought you'd be going to Milan on Wednesday." Lando asks, confusion written all over his face. 

"Yeah, but I got invited to some restaurant and the only chance I had to go there was on Tuesday." I quickly lie. I have to admit lying to Lando hurts a lot, but this one is for the greater good. Also, it's not completely a lie, as Pierre and I will be having dinner somewhere first and I believe he wanted to go out after that. 

"As long as you call me every day, I'm fine with that." Lando pecks my lips, before Ava ushers me out the door and to the car. 

The familiar drive to the Nice airport seemed even longer today. My mind racing at 300 miles an hour. I felt like I was betraying Lando with this meet up with Pierre. Whereas I also felt excited to actually be meeting up with Pierre. He seemed like a really good guy, and I can't help but want his actions to be true to his words. That it's just him inviting me to hang out with a friendly face, while I'm on tour. 

"I don't care about what you plan on doing in Milan." Ava says as she's entering the airport parking lot. "But if you plan on doing something stupid that might hurt your relationship with Lando, I'm going to stop you here. The two of you have something wonderful going on here. You care so incredibly much about one another. Don't screw this up Aimee."

I sigh, looking out the window as she pulls into one of the empty spots. I stay quiet. Letting my thoughts go over the words Ava just said. 

It's all I could think about while we were on the flight to Rome. 

Landing in Rome was a whole new experience, we did inform the airport security about my arrival. Yet they did not take note, many fans waiting for me as I exited the arrivals terminal. It eventually resulted in me having to be escorted out of the building by the Italian police, before being brought to the arena. 

"Aimee! Finally, you're here." Ellis cheers entering my dressing room, where I am currently trying to warm up my voice. 

"Yeah, and you're coming with me to Milan tomorrow." I notify her, a puzzled look on her face. "Pierre Gasly has invited me, and I am not going alone." My new found insights, helpful to how to attack tomorrow. I was not going to be alone with Pierre, I do not want to give Lando the wrong impression. 

"Then I guess I'm going to Milan a day early." She laughs before helping me get ready. 

After the show, I was feeling pretty tired. But as we had decided that we needed to celebrate in every city, I still had to come. Luckily for me, I had convinced everyone just to go for drinks in the hotel bar. I opted to stay clear of alcohol, aware of the fact my body was still trying to fight off the remains of this morning's hangover. 

The next morning Ellis and I return to the dreaded place that is the Rome airport. Once again it was a big mess when it came to security. However it was less of a problem than yesterday. 

"Please tell me more about whatever it is we're doing today?" Ellis asks as we sit down in our designated airplane seats. 

"So when we arrive, we'll check in to the hotel. After that we'll go out to dinner with Pierre and after that some clubbing. He told me about this club where they are really good with security and that insists on guarding his privacy." 

"And how did you end up doing this again?"

"We, we ended up in this because I talked to him during Charles' celebration after Sunday's race. And I may have said yes." I chuckle, my cheeks turning slightly pinks as I do so. 

"And he knows you're dating one of his rivals right?" 

"I have told him, yes. But he did turn bright red when I said so." 

"This is gonna be so awkward." Ellis laughs as we take the bottles of water we're handed by the flight attendant. 


Honestly, I have no freaking clue how I managed to produce this chapter after I had a panic attack earlier today. Yet somehow I really felt like writing, so I hope you enjoyed this very short chapter. 

Please vote & comment, it truly makes me happy :)

edited: 30/1/2024

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