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Aimee's POV

Anyone who didn't know my tour schedule before hand would think I'm following him. A concert in Vienna, Austria a week after he raced here. It seemed like fun, I would fly there immediately after the Prague concert and we could spend a day or two in the Austrian capital. Before he had to fly to the UK. His home Grand Prix approaching.

Things however didn't really go as planned, and I decided to go back to Monaco for a bit. I needed to calm myself down. Ever since Lando and I had both slipped up, saying the media were partially responsible for our brake up, Ava had been stalked with media requests. Especially with his home race being this weekend. Everyone seemed to want the ex to be their angle. And if we're being completely fair, I didn't like that, and I wasn't going to do it either.

Which is why I told Ava I'd be working on some new music, and to prove that I was actually doing so, I had invited Martin Garrix over. So here we are, sitting in my Monaco living room going over potential song concepts.

"You want some more water?" I ask Martin, as he finishes the glass in front of him.

"Nah, I'm fine. And if not, I can just as well grab it myself. It's not my first time here." I laugh at his comment, it definitely isn't his first time here. We've had a few parties when Lando and I were together, Martin always being invited as was Max. The two of them really knew how to party the way I like too. But that might be because of our origins.

"So let's do the third one again. I kinda feel it. Do you have any melody with it?" I point at the sheet with the lyrics on it.

"Yeah, hold on." Martin does something on his laptop, sounds that should form a song very soon coming from it. I try to sing the lyrics we wrote on the beat. It definitely wasn't ready yet, but it did have potential.

"Where do you want to film he clip?" Martin asks as we are finishing up the writing part of the song.

"I was thinking somewhere here, but that's not gonna work with all the security. Maybe Vienna though. We could totally do a surprise thing during the concert and film some stuff there. That is if you don't have anywhere else to be this Sunday."

"That actually sounds great, I'm free until next weekend, so I can come."

"Great, I'll make sure Ava knows. So she can book you a room too."

"Are you sure you can do it though. We all know you had a certain someone in mind." He asks carefully.

"We will just have to see. I mean, there's more songs in there that are about him. The edge will fade. Moreover, I have sang it here and it didn't hurt. I can do this."

"If you say so." Martin say a smile playing on his face. He's not bad looking that's one thing everyone must agree on. "Well I'm going to go back to the hotel. We'll talk tomorrow. Are we still watching the free practises together?"

"Yeah we are. You'll be here at twelve? We can go and grab some lunch before FP1 starts."

"Sounds good." We both stand in front of my front door awkwardly, until Martin opens his arms for me. I immediately melt into them, he's been a good friend ever since he found out about the break up. I know he talks to Lando too, but I don't mind. I mean I do too, and there's no bad blood between us. "I'll see you tomorrow then." Martin says before placing a small kiss on my cheek and leaving my apartment.

The small tingle his kiss leaves on my cheek makes me worried immediately. This cannot be happening. This won't be happening.

The next day, we meet up at a small restaurant close to my apartment for lunch. I had barely slept, my mind going into overdrive every two minutes. I kept thinking about how I felt after the kiss on the cheek I had received. It felt good, really good. Did it feel as good as Lando's though? Definitely not. Would it be smart to pursue whatever this gesture was. Heck no. He might even be more famous than Lando, and we had just established that dating famous people is not something I should be doing. He's one of Lando's best friends, and one of mine too. I wouldn't want to risk this. And besides that, a kiss on the cheek is friendly, right?

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