Chapter 2 Part 4- Our Fears, Phobias, and Moments of Bliss

Start from the beginning

"Um, hey, are you okay?" I asked. Kawata remained frozen for a couple more seconds, before he fell to the floor. "KAWATA!!!" I yelled, getting down on my knees and shaking his body, trying to get him to wake up.

"I- I'm fine... it's just... a hallucination..." he said. He sat up, shaking ever so slightly, but putting on a brave face. I guess... there's not a moment or relaxation... huh.

I stood up, saying goodbye to Kawata I kept looking at him out of the corner of my eye, worried that at any moment he could start hallucinating again.

Suddenly, I bumped into someone, falling to the floor. A hand reach out to me, helping me up from the ground. Only after I got up did I realize who's hand it was.

"Pardon me Hirano. I didn't mean to run into you." Kajiwara said calmly, his hands together.

Should I hang out with Kajiwara Hotaka? -Yes- -No-

"I'm not quite sure what we should do... reading a book would be nice though." He said.

Kajiwara and I went up to the library. He picked out a book about anatomy and surgery, and placed it down on the table in between him and me. He pointed at certain images and words and explained different aspects of the surgery process. Most of the information I already knew, but some was pretty interesting to learn. Plus, it was just nice to hear Kajiwara speak. I think Kajiwara and I grew closer today.

Would you like to give Kajiwara a present? -Yes- -No-

I gave Kajiwara a pair of noise canceling headphones.

"Thank you Hirano. I will cherish this gift, and make sure that it doesn't go to waste." He said. There was silence between us. I started to panic from all the quiet.

"H- hey, why do you stick around Sugai so much?" I asked. Kajiwara paused, almost unable to answer.

"I was once like him. Though, I was a lot younger than that chaos bubble." He said.

"Y- you... were like that?" I replied. He nodded.

"Though, I will admit I was a lot worse. And I didn't have riches to pay for the damage I caused my home life. I caused them to lose a lot of money just to pay off damages and give us a normal life. And then I caused something that I'm not to proud of." He paused. "These hallucinations are bringing me back to that day..."

"Th- that must be horrifying..." I said. He shook his head.

"Quite the contrary. It makes me glad that I'm not the same person I was." He explained. I paused.

"W- what did you... do?" I asked. Kajiwara had his eyes closed, and his hands together.

"That... my friend, is a story for another day." Kajiwara said, standing up and walking out of the room.

I sighed, standing up from the chair, and walking out. I noticed someone in the hallway. I smiled, approaching them.

"Why hello there Hirano! How are you on this fine morning?" Otani asked.

Should I hang out with Otani Katsu? -Yes- -No-

"Splendid! Would you like to help me clean up the dining hall?" He asked.

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