Make up...?

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Scarlett's POV

After Bucky left I went to the fridge to grab some food but nothing was there, I sat on a chair in the living room and drank water while silently crying.

About an hour later there was a knock on the door, hoping it was one if my friends or Bucky i opened it just to see Pietro. I've had this happen before, they come to the door, come in and beat me up.

I closed the door but he stopped it. I froze in place while the door swung back open, I stayed still while he towered over me with watery eyes.

He started talking and grabbed my hand, I just looked at his face with a mix off remembering Westin and trying to remember what he did to me.

"Scarlett?" Pietro's shook me back into reality a minute later "huh- sorry I was not here" I walked away and gave him a water while trying to control my breathing.

I sat back down and so did he "I forgive you for kissing her, I get it wasn't consensual and all of that but im just..." I explained

"Im sorry" he said with a soft trembly voice "you grabbed onto her waist like you wanted more and missed her" I stated with a lump in my throat.

Pietro looked down to the floor with a heavy sigh "I don't even have an excuse. I was turned on and she was not helping at all, I was going to medbay then to see you" he walked near me after standing up.

"Can I just... can I just have some time and space to think, Ok, Maximoff. I just found out my step mom has been dead and I keep forgetting so let me grieve and I'll worry about our relationship or what ever it is after I burn her pictures"

I stood up and walked upstairs to get the pictures and started a fire in the firepit with some gasoline "I don't have a lighter" I stated when I noticed he gave me a look.

I sat around the fire pit and tried to warm myself up but wasn't really helping.

Pietro sat next to me and put a blanket on me with his arms round me. I hesitated but smiled a little to show him thanks.

The gasoline was next to the couch and the fire was kinda huge, I closed my eyes and leaned my head forewords into my hands.

I fell asleep for three hours Even it felt like two seconds, Pietro picked me up and took me to a couch to sleep.

I heard him zoom away half asleep and I felt kinda bad, he's a really good boyfriend but I just... I can't get what Westin did out of my head.


Three days later I'm still at the house, I got McDonald's earlier today which was nice I guess. I hadn't eaten in nearly three days, which I'm not suppose to do because of my condition or whatever you want to call this shit.

It stopped snowing yesterday but it's really cold and all I have is a light sweater and a blanket, I ran out of gasoline last night before I got McDonald's and I haven't taken any of my meds which have given me such a bad headache.

I took my temperature earlier and it was nearly 104, I need help but I don't want to leave the house. I drank some water while my body was aching and my head felt like it was melting, I laid on the couch and closed my eyes just for a few seconds.

I just need a minute of sleep...


"Scarlett? Can... hear... know.... Cells" I heard a males voice but not all of his words. I blinked my eyes open to see a bright light and heard beeping.

I moved my arm and groaned, I touched my left arm and felt an IV. I was in the hospital.

I opened my eyes fully to see a blonde doctor smiling at me "good afternoon Scarlett. I'm Dr Amster, you were found unconscious by your friend at your house. You've been unconscious for two days, You were starving, cold, and you haven't been taking your meds for prefrontal brain damage. You nearly died from your Anemia" he read my chart.

"I didn't have my pills with me" I mumbled.

Ruby was sitting next to me, I smiled at her before I saw on my left. blood was being inserted into me. I was having another blood transfusion.

"I didn't call anyone else cause I wasn't sure if you wanted to see your brother" Ruby rubbed my hand and smiled. She knew all the juicy details and drama currently.

"Thank you rubes. Sorry you had to save me" I giggled "glad I found you, you could've died Scar, you really should stay at the compound for Bruce and Bucky to care of you" She smiled and tilted her head.

"Ya, I know" I mumbled before closing my eyes "you can call James if you want, I need to talk to him about Pietro" I mumbled and opened my eyes.

She nodded and grabbed my phone, she knew my password and I knew hers.

About twenty minutes later Bucky came rushing in "what the hell Scar, you've been in here for three days and you didn't tell anyone!" He sat down near me "sorry. My friends were caring for me, I figured you were mad at me for the other night" I looked at him a little dizzy.

"Im glad you're ok Scar, the doctors gave you your meds while you were out so your head and body should be feeling better. Please don't do that again, gosh when Ruby called me saying you were in the hospital I thought you were dead or in a coma" he shook his head with a small laugh.

I giggled and put my hand on his knee "nope. You still gotta deal with me" I joked, he grabbed my hand and squeezed it "is Pietro ok?" I whispered "he's... he's hanging on." He looked down "I didn't tell him you were in the hospital, only Steve and Nat know" he brushed some of my hair back.

"Do you... do you think Pietro would want to see me?" I asked, he smiled slightly "ya" he grabbed his phone.

"Want me to call him" I nodded

Five minutes later Pietro was at the door, I smiled slightly and I felt my stomach flip over with butterflies from his beauty. Nina left with a smirk and I giggled a little before she made a heart with her hands.

Pietro sat down in a chair, i out my hand out and he smiled brightly "I'm sorry. I shouldn't of have gotten mad, I was just thinking about Westin and was afraid you were going to be like him but then I remembered you saved me from him and you're amazing" I told him.

"I don't know what was going threw my head at that moment but im really glad that you're ok. I've missed you so much" he caressed my hand and I lifted my left arm signaling him to hug me.

He stood up and got in the bed, I hugged him as tight as I could before he kissed my cheek, I moved his Jaw and kissed him deeply before nibbling the side of his jaw and kissing his neck.

He put his head on the pillow and held me while I closed my eyes "I wonder if I can get discounts at target for having Anemia or a lack of white and red blood cells" I joked, Pietro laughed "possibly a discount for brain damage cause it's kinda a disability but why do you need discounts when I can but it for you?" He massaged my cheek bone.

"You're a sucker for princess treatment aren't you, mister?" I asked with a giggle, he chuckled before Bucky walked in. He gave me some apple juice and I drank it slowly "good to know you two made up. Thought I'd have to tie you two together" Bucky sighed before Briar and Damian walked in.

"Hey scarScar" Briar kissed my cheeks and I smiled "I got you a get well card, and a boba tea because you haven't had one since high school and that's just sad..." he shook his head in disappointment.

I opened the card "you have a lack of blood cells but you don't lack taking care of others before treating your silly broken brain" I read the card out loud and laughed.

"Thank you Briar and Damian. Pietro get off the bed so I could give the boys hugs." I demanded. He groaned and got up.

I drank the boba tea after the apple juice "oh my gosh it's strawberry passionfruit" I hummed in delightfulness.

"I love you two gay children so much" I gave them another hug.

1500 words

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