Bad news

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On Tuesday Pietro, Wanda, Bucky and I were all wasted a lot was kinda a lazy day. My body was in so mugg C pain so I didn't move nearly all day.

Pietro did get up to feed his dog and my cat, I forgot My cats name till Pietro yelled "Olive!"

I giggled a little before I heard her meow scream and hiss.

Pietro came in while sucking the side of his ring finger "your cat doesn't like me" he grabbed a bandaid "at least your dog likes me so if he betrays you I'll take him" I smirked and he laughed.

"If I have to choose my dog over you then I'm choosing the dog, as much as I love you Scar I love Bolt more than anything" he went on top of me and kissed me.

I smiled "don't worry. I would choose any animal over you" I turned tj him and he grabbed my waist "even if it was broken or disabled?" He asked while kissing me down my neck.

"Well then they would clearly need help and a home so ya. Duh"

I kissed his jaw and left a hickey on his upper neck before he wrapped an arm around me tightly.

We talked about our weeks and everything, it was kinda hard to remember but I think that was from the hangover I'm having.

I'm not going to admit there's something wrong with me.


On Wednesday Bruce wanted to examine me, he gave me a head CT and I was able to get another Chocolate milk.

Pietro was hanging with Wanda and wasn't sure if he was going to be here.

Bruce came up to Bucky with a sad face and pulled him aside.

Buck looked at me with teary eyes before nodding and holding back anger.

"Scar, I'm going to have to take some blood for a test. We don't have any B-negative blood but we do have O-positive so that'll be put in you for your dehydration and lack of red and white blood cells currently" he explained.

"Why do I have a low amount of blood cell?" I asked "it could be from all the alcohol you drank but it's extremely low and don't want to cause anemia which will kill you" He stated.

I gulped and nodded.

When Bruce took my blood i grabbed his arm and pulled him in "could you do a secret pregnancy test, please" I asked.

I know Pietro and I tried for a baby a long time ago in like June but I don't think he actually wanted to get me pregnant because of Buckys threats and cause of "my age"

I'm older and turn 18 in 8 days. Bucks wedding is in 3 days which I'm so excited for, her bachelorette party is tomorrow.

Bruce nodded and smirked a little. He walked off and about three minutes later when Helen was putting the blood in me Pietro and Wanda walked in.

I smiled at them and Bucky explained the rbc problems.

Pietro sat on the floor while Wanda laid next to me, Bruce came back in again about ten minutes after.

"The blood is at the lab and should be ready around Saturday. But Scarlett... we need to talk about something with your brain" Bruce pulled up a chair and sat down next to Me, Wanda squeezed my hand and Pietro looked down. Buck was bouncing his leg.

"In the accident, you suffered from many problems. One of them was memory loss, it was too small to notice in the first brain scans but it's been growing more" He gave me a sad look and I burrowed my eyebrows "Bruce. What's wrong?" I asked.

"You have brain damage to your prefrontal cortex lobe which is putting pressure onto the hippocampus. It will be a long process of healing but your amygdala may not be the same" he explained.

"Your Amygdala is the part of the brain that controls fear and anxiety. Threw out healing and the medications you may have outbursts of emotions like anger, sadness, happiness, discust, and possibly even thoughts of killing everyone in the room then yourself. What you have can be called Aplastic Anemia and you won't have as long as a life as normal" Bruce massaged my hand while tears fell down my cheek.

"You may also have problems with reasoning, planning ahead, controlling behavior, and solving problems." He sighed and I sniffled before closing my eyes and leaning my head back.

"What if the meds don't work?" I asked "your connections to the vmPFC will be reduced, the vmPFC Is part of the prefrontal cortex where the brains responsible for sentiments such as empathy and guilt. And everything else I said before... they would become permanent"

I silently cried for a minute trying to absorb  everything I was just told "what other ways can the damage be fixed?" Pietro asked with a trembly voice.

"Another way would be surgery, a human most of the time, can live without there Prefrobtal cortex and the nerves there but there's a lot of risks with behaviors and doing it at such a young age, it's a lot of paperwork for the surgery and all that because of death and diseases. The medicine and no alcohol is your best bet, no alcohol, drugs, smoking, or anything toxic that can affect your brain" Buck grabbed my hand.

"You'll be taking three meds, the first one which you take two times a day will cause weird mood swings but it will only last for about a week and dye down. You may get bad headaches but you are going to be ok Scarlett" Bruce rubbed my shoulder and stood up.

I cried and Pietro walked over to me and brushed some of my curtain bangs off of my forehead, he kissed it before kneeling down and holding my sweaty hand.

Wanda was teary and comforting me as well. I could possibly die from this, I can't do surgery because of my age and the complications associated with death and the meds will mess me up even more and I'll feel worst than I already do right now.


Later that night it was only me in the room, I was trying to sleep when Bruce walked in "I did a pregnancy test and it was negative, I'm sorry Scar. But having a baby right now isn't a good idea with your brain" He softly said.

"If I have a baby while on the meds and having brain damage will it be a risk to my children?" I asked with a cranky voice, Bruce just looked down and I knew what that meant.

"Great. Now I can't have kids because I'll fuck up their brain and now I'm going to die from a fucking Brain damage that I don't even remember how I got!" I complained, Bruce came over and grabbed my hand after sitting down.

"You will remember again soon, I promise you will. It'll take a lot of time, patience, and health care but you will remember"


In the morning Pietro walked up to me with Apple juice and a bagel. I smiled at him and took them, The blood transfusion thangy was fine and I just needed to one more check up and I was free to go.

"I'm not pregnant" I said after drinking my juice, Pietro dropped his shoulders and looked down "it's ok, we don't need to rush into" He smiled with pain and rubbed my hand.

"Also umm... if I have a child while on the meds and with brain damage there brain will be fucked up as well" my eyes got watery when I told him. He bent his head down and squeezed my hand with a sigh.

"Look, you're only almost 18, we still have plenty of years ahead for a family and babies. You aren't a fuck up either, it's just from trauma that was inevitable" he smiled and so did I.

"If you want to leave me for someone who won't fuck up your kids I understand and I won't be mad" I stared with a trembly voice.

"Princessa. Im not going anywhere, so what if we don't have children. That just means more time to spend together and less time chasing little demons around" he chuckled and so did I.

1367 words

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