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Scarlett's POV

After the movie I had gone to my room to sleep, Pietro went to his room and Wanda talked to me for a little bit before she left.


In the morning I woke up with a pounding headache, I closed my eyes again and rolled over with a groan.

It was a horrible migraine all over my whole head. I went under the covers with my phone and saw texts from the group chat.

"Party at my house Monday night!!"- Ruby
"Yess" - Briar
"You coming Scar?"- Liv
"Ofc I wouldn't miss your birthday for my life"- Me
"Bring your brother. I turn 18 on Monday😏-Ruby
"He's getting married on Friday Ruby💀"- Me
"Married or not married I'm still gonna hit" -Ruby

I giggled before turning my phone off and on the night stand, I fell back to sleep under the covers.

"Wakey wakey, Sis" Buck hit me with a pillow under the blanket, I yawned before grunting and throwing the pillow back at him.

"I have the worst headache ever" I complained, his smile faded and look worried.

I got up "I'll give you some ibuprofen" he stared while pushing me out of the room.

I took some before going to training where most of the team was. Pietro was training against Clint and Nat at the same time. He used his super speed and knocked both of them down onto the ground.

I sat next to Steve who was drinking water "you look pale" he commented "and you look like a capsicle" I commented back.

"Now you too!" He complained.

Steve walked off and j giggled before Pietro came over panting and stole someone's water cause he finished his.

"Did you come to see me shirtless or because you missed me" he asked before kissing me "neither. I came to see your sister" I whispered. He dramatically rolled his eyes.

Pietro's sometimes came to training shirtless just to flex, and before we were dating he would come shirtless to find SHIELD agents to hookup with.

I'm afraid he may hook up with a shield agent again but deep down I know he would never do that to me.

After training Pietro took a shower and I went to lay in his bed, I ended up falling asleep with that headache still.

"Wakey wakey Sleepyhead" someone whispered into my ear, I groaned and shooed them away.

"Go away child" I mumbled before Putting his comfy blanket over my head "so you can sleep in my bed. But I can't sleep in my bed" Pietro complained. I nodded with a moan before I felt him grip onto my waist and drag me out of his bed.

"Noooo" I whined before he placed me on the ground. I rolled over and stood up before stretching "meanie" I said after yawning. I hugged him "aww you're hugging a meanie" Pietro patted my back and I clucked my tongue.

"Do you want to go for a walk? That'll help your head, fresh air. You haven't had that since 1853" Pietro joked. "Haha very funny. Just remember you're older than me" I smirked at him and he looked gaslighted.

Pietro and I walked around the compound before passing the shooting range, I quickly covered my ears when I heard the gunshots.

Pietro looked at me confused before I took my hands off "gosh did those things get louder" I asked while walking a little faster past the range.

"Nope they're still the same" Pietro snickered while holding my hand and rubbing my hand. Some shield agents jogged by and Pietro looked at them, I smiled a little as they past. Pietro bit his lip a little at a blonde blue eyes agent and I felt a lump in my throat.

What if he already cheated on me?
What if he's thinking about breaking up with me because I'm not giving him enough attention.

I blinked away some tears, I loved Pietro so much and don't want to loose him. I never want to loose him not even after death.

I took a silent deep breath before looking up "Ruby is hosting a party for her 18th birthday on Monday. Wanna come with me? bucky's coming" I smiled a little.

"Ya sure, but promise not to do any drugs?" He squeezed my hand tighter. I nodded "Pietro. I haven't done drugs for nearly 4 months, I'll be fine"

He nodded and caressed my hand nervously.

On the way back to building C of the compound I forgot what building we were suppose to go to. "The corridors are in building C, that's where we sleep. Remember?" Pietro asked while pointing to a building with a black C on it.

I shook my head and looked down "sorry, my head just hurts" I snickered a little before walking to the door, Pietro opened it for me and I smiled before grabbing water.

I forgot what cabinet the glasses were in until Clint came and grabbed a cup, he handed me one. "You ok? Your memory has been a little... cuckoo" Clint commented.

"Ya, sorry I just have this really bad headache and it isn't going away. Sorry" I grabbed some water. "Stop apologizing kid" he rubbed my head before sitting near Nat and playing Mario Kart.

I had two glasses before looking for Bucky. I stopped in the hallway forgetting who's room was who's.

"Bruce. Do you know which rooms is Buck's" I asked once he walked by me. He burrowed his eyebrows "ya, it's two doors down on your left" he gave me a sad look like he was also hiding something.

I knocked in his door and walked in, he was sharpening some knives.

"How's your head?" He asked me "hurts like a bitch" I snickered. He put his knives away "any visions?" Buck asked next "nope. Thank gosh" I sat next to him.

"Do you... do you think Pietro would cheat on me?" I asked him softly. Buck scoffed "you kidding me? You would have to kill Wanda to make him cheat on you, even if you guys broke up I don't think he would hook up, he would chase you" Buck wrapped an arm around me and I smiled slightly.

"Is everything good between you two?" He looked at me "I don't know, we haven't been getting in any arguments and we have a peaceful relationship which is nice but... I feel like he's mad at me or I'm not giving him enough attention. I think he's hiding something big from me" I looked at him with teary eyes.

"Well I assure you he hasn't cheated" He stood up and grabbed a towel. "There's 47 different ways to kill someone with a towel. And I promise I will do all 47 ways on Pietro if he cheats" Buck smirked and I laughed a little.

"Don't tell him I said that" he quickly said before walking out. I followed him out and went to my room, I didn't know when or if I was finna be able to go back to my house.


On Monday I got ready for the party, Pietro, Wanda, and Bucky got dressed. I put on a nice red dress before getting into the car. Wanda and I were in the back jamming to Dua Lipa.

I ran to Ruby and hugged her "happy birthday RuRu!" I picked her up a little bit and squealed. Our friend group all hugged each other, We gave her her presents before grabbing some drinks.

"Bucky if your marriage doesn't work out, I'm 18 now" She raised her margarita and Bucky laughed. "I'll keep that in mind" He joked, he would probably hook up with her if he was single but never date an 18 year old at age 113.

1293 words

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