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Scarlett's POV

We went to a few stores and bought useless stuff with Tony's card, we got some food, ice cream, books, movies, etc...
We even bought a few dog toys for Bolt.

After about an hour we sat down at a table and drank some of our chick-fil-a drinks we kept on trading "I say we buy you a cat" Carol suggested "a white and orange cat" Nat added on with a smile "a kitten!" Wanda jumped a little and smiled at me.

"I don't know..." "cmon Scar! It'll make you feel better!" They all kept on convincing me to say yes

"I guess Goose could use a long distant friend" I sighed while they all cheered.

We went to the car and drove to the nearest pet shelter "ok! Let's meet the kitties!" Carol was the most exited for this. I looked at the cats, there was this orange and white floofy kitty, she was a kitten and was ADORABLE.

I took her out of the crate and held her, she immediately started purring in my arms and rubbed it's head against me

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I took her out of the crate and held her, she immediately started purring in my arms and rubbed it's head against me.

Wanda took a picture and I laughed, I put the cat back and it meowed it's head off "I can't look at any more" I sighed and went to the front desk.

We bought the cat and went to pet smart to buy supplies.

"Red everything" I demanded while we grabbed stuff. "What are you naming her?" Carol asked "I don't know" I shrugged while I petted her.

We went Back to the tower and brought the bags and cat inside "wow! Where did that cat come from" Bucky said while walking up to me "it's her therapeutic cat" Carol said, I rolled my eyes playfully and put the cat down to give her food.

Bolt rushed up to her and sniffed it. "Wow! Bolt found a cat" Pietro said while walking in eating a cookie "what's it's name" Pietro asked "I don't know what to name her"

I sat down on the couch and rested my head on the corner of the chair. "Is she ok" I could hear Bucky whispering to Nat

"She's trying to cover up her pain right now, just let her rest Bucky she'll be fine" Nat whispered back before they kissed.

They continued whispering about me but I soon fell asleep.

"Olive! Food!" Scarlett yelled out for her cat to come eat dinner. Olive came happily and ate her Tuna dinner, "tell that damn cat to stay out of my room" Alice yelled at Scarlett for all the cat fur on her clothes all the time.

"Well hang your clothes up mom! Or close your door" Scar complained, she was tired of her moms comments on the cat.

"Nice attitude Scarlett" Alice slapped her "drop the attitude before I drop your cat out the window" she yelled "sorry" Scar held her cheek and crabbed the empty plate of food.

Scarlett sighed before going upstairs with Olive to let Alice and her sex buddy have fun downstairs together.

About 30 minutes later she heard yelling and glass breaking, she put olive down and rushed downstairs just to find that dude hitting Alice "hey! Get your hands off my mom!" Scarlett swung at the guy who's name was Daniel.

"What the heck!" He yelled, he swung back at her hard. He was a marine, he knew how to punch but so did Scarlett.

"Daniel get the fuck out!" Alice screamed before he punched her step daughter. "Get the fuck out!" She yelled again after he swung at Scarlett. Scarlett had no chance against him, she was just 8

Scarlett fell to the floor with a broken nose.

Alice jumped onto Daniel and started hitting him on the face and chest, Daniel threw her off and grabbed a lighter. "Fuck you both!" He yelled before throwing the lighter at the stove that was on.

Scarlett got up and tried to stop him from leaving but she just got thrown to the wall, the fire was spreading in the ceiling and wood floor.

Scarlett grabbed Olive then came back downstairs to help her step mom.

The fire started to spread and the furnaces didn't help stop the fire.

the fire was burning violently through out the house. Black smoke started to cover the ceiling as fire fighters busted into the room.

I woke up sweating and yelling a little "shit" I mumbled "language" Steve yelled "Olive come here" I said while I heard her meowing, she turned her head at me and do a happy smile when I called her.

"Olive?" Buck asked "isn't that her name?" I asked with a confused laugh "Olive was the name of your first cat"

"Oh, well now her name is olive now too" I shrugged. "Scar wanna watch TVD with me, Pietro and Peter?" Wanda asked

"Sure" I smiled a little and went to Wanda's room. I sat down next to Pietro, he put the blanket over me which was so sweet.

Wanda put on the show when Peter came in with 2 bowls of popcorn, Peter and Wanda shared one while me and Pietro and Bolt shared the other one.

We were on the third episode of watching when I leaned onto Pietro, he played with my hair before making him way down to my waist. I smiled a little and gripped onto his shirt, he got to the bottom of my shirt and started playing with it.

His knuckles were touching my skin and gave me goosebumps. I moved my hand to his thigh while his hand went onto my ass. I moaned quietly and gripped onto his thigh, "not here" he whispered before he stood up and walked away.

I smirked and followed him, Pietro dragged me into his room and slammed me into the wall before kissing my lips and putting his hands on my thighs.

One hand went through his hair and he moaned slightly, I put my hand under his shirt before he took off my shirt.

His hands traveled my waist and he pulled me into him making me moan.

He kissed my neck making love marks before moving to my chest while my hands went through his hair, I forgot about all the troubles in my life, I forgot about Westin, Mom, Kayla, School, Drugs, everything erased my mind. All I could think about was Pietro.

I was about to undo his belt when that vision came back into my mind, Westin was my first thought when it came. "Pietro, wait-"

He stopped immediately and looked me in the eyes "is something wrong princessa?" He tilted his head.

"I- I can't do this... I'm sorry, please don't be mad" I looked down. "No, no Scar it's ok, I'm not mad. It's your body, your choice" he kissed my forehead before walking back to Wanda's room.

I sighed and blinked away some tears. I really wanted it but I've never had sex, I've given blowjobs sure, but never sex. Pietro was just so cute and sweet, I have a crush on him but he hooks up with so many people that he probably just thinks I'm another girl to fuck.

I put my shirt back on and walked back to Wanda's room and sat next to Pietro, he lifted his arm and I laid my head on his chest again.

"I'm sorry" I whispered to him "don't be princessa" he was such a gentleman sometimes.

1250 words

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