Ice cold water

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Scarlett's POV

My chin hit the ice making it crack again, I tried to stand up quickly but was In too much pain. I screamed while trying to flip my self over and grip my hands to the cracked ice.

I got myself to flip over but my hands got sliced on the ice making me slide down, I panted before I felt cold tears run down my face. I cried and sobbed out as I felt the ice crack around me, I was all bloody and frozen, I couldn't feel my left leg and my head felt like it was Gonna explode in a minute.

I screamed and took a deep breath before pushing my scratched bloody foot on the ice and pushing my self on the ice. I groaned as I sat up and went on my knees.

I am going ti get to safety.

I am going to live.

I stood up after about three minutes and took tiny steps, I was half way there.

I heard yelling and turned around, I saw Scott. I smiled and took a small step before my smile faded and heard the ice crack. "Scarlett!" Scott yelled as I screamed and fell into the water.

I heard yelling and screaming while I went under water, I was already cold enough and my hands were stuck together. I couldn't open my eyes because of how cold the water was.

I heard Scott and Thor's voices before everything faded away.

Thor's POV

I heard Scott screaming and rushed to him, Scott was near the ice and panicking. "She's in the water!" He yelled at me.

Scott was about to step into the water when I pushed him back "I have a better chance of living bug boy" I said before dropping Mjölnir and walking slowly on the ice.

I got about a foot before I fell into he water, I yelled before freezing cold water entered my mouth.

I opened my cold eyes and swam to where the broken ice was, Luckily I am immortal.

I saw Scarlett zip tied and falling into abyss. I grabbed her waist and pulled her up.

I swam back to Scott while freezing my ass off. My eyes were becoming heavy and too cold.

I was loosing my breath.

I quickly placed lady Scarlett on the snow before climbing out of the water.

I gasped for air before Scott and some others came over to me and Scar.

I picked up lady Scarlett, I was still freezing but needed to get her to safety and warmth.

"Thor has Scarlett!" I heard Scott yell into the comms. I lost my comm in the water.

I got to the Quinjet to see Wanda and Bruce there.

I placed her down and Bruce went ti touch her bit pulled away "she's an iceberg" he held his hand.

Bucky, Sam, Steve and Clint came rushing in.

Bucky took off his leather and placed it on top of Scsr- it didn't do much but was better than nothing.

"Who's the warmest here!" Steve called out. Pietros shook his head, Scott shook his head, hope, Clint, Nat and Bucky also shook their heads.

Tony was in his iron man suit and walked in before deactivating it. "Tony you're warm get your ass over here" American man cussed!

Tony held Scar and put his warmth on her while Clint and Nat went to drive the Quinjet.

Bucky and Sonic were on the verge of tears. Pietro came over to Scarlett and held her hand while a tear rolled down his cheek.

She was just in a bra and panties, I don't even want to know what she went through.

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