Ruby's birthday

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"ScarScar I'm glad you're alive and still have all four limbs" Briar hugged me and kissed my cheeks "omg you missed so much!" He squealed a little. "I got a boyfriend. His names Damion and he's so hot. Hotter than your boyfriend" He whispered.

"Damion" Briar sung, Damion was summoned and smiled at me "te you the Scarlett he keeps on talking about? You look like her" He asked, I nodded "wow, he talks about me. I feel special" I flipped my hair before laughing.

"Are you having a birthday party? Bri told me your birthday is on the 19th" Damion asked after a few minutes. "No, I don't think so. I'll just have my friends over but I don't want a party this year, it's not safe" I shrugged.

"It's not safe anymore" I finished "amen" Briar high fived me.

Pietro sat at the bar and got some Pink Whitney. I went near him but there were no seats left so I stood near him "sooo Briar finally got a boyfriend named Damion and stated "he's hotter than you" which is almost true" I explained with a smile.

Pietro dramatically rolled his eyes "oh cmon he can't be that hot" Pietro snickered.

I turned around to see Lola trying to flirt with a guy but failing. I sighed at her hopeless romantic self before I felt Pietro grip onto my hips and pull me onto his lap.

I got on the stool and sat on his crotch "don't want your leg to hurt" He whispered into my ear, I turned and out my arms around him before kissing him.

I could taste some of the pink Whitney and was tempted to drink some but I haven't had alcohol in the longest time.

I grabbed his cup and drank half of it before squinting my eyes "I missed that" I stated before resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes from the lights and people.

Pietro was talking to someone and laughing, I realized it was Damion and smiled that they were getting along.

Pietro stopped talking and started bouncing his leg under me, I squeezed my legs together to give him more room before I sat up "would you ever break up with me for not giving you attention?" I asked

"No, but it depends. If you don't give me attention like you do to other boys then we might need to take a break" he said before kissing me "but don't worry. I would never leave you unless Bucky threatened me" He laughed and so did I.


Later I was dancing with Ruby, I had some alcohol but didn't wanna get drunk. Me and Ruby got really close and she rubbed her body on me before biting my neck, Pietro was somewhere else with some others.

Ruby twerked in me before handing me a vodka bottle.

Posted by bxdbich_scar Rubes and Nina are my will to live 😩

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Posted by bxdbich_scar
Rubes and Nina are my will to live 😩

Posted by bxdbich_scar Rubes and Nina are my will to live 😩

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