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Scarlett's POV

They did me all night non stop for 4 hours before I was too right to even enter, they tortured me sexually and non sexually for the next two days before I lost too much blood to stay awake.

I was asleep on the floor when Hudson came in and tugged at my arm making me stand up, he rubbed my clit before sending me out of the cell in zip ties.

A few tears fell down my cheeks before he took me to a truck "if you think this torture was bad... this is nothing" Sam grabbed my jaw and kissed me with a lot of slob.

I spit at his face and he slapped me.

Hudson drove for three hours before we arrived at this warehouse, Sam put a black bag on my head before throwing me out of the truck.

They took me to this elevator and I felt these two muscular men grab me and throw me into this cell.

Someone took the bag off, I opened my eyes and adjusted to the light- it was a woman.

"We've been waiting for you Scarlett" she grabbed a HUGE needle and walked up to me.

I stood up and backed away "don't worry, you won't feel a thing in a few minutes" she evilly smiled before grabbing my arm and stabbing it into me.

I yelped before everything got dizzy "it will all be ok" she shushed my crying and brushed my messed up greasy hair back before catching me while I fell tot he ground.

Bucky's POV
21sr November

We had a lead on that sleeve tattoo guy, his name is Samual Oaks. He's also a hydra member and Jamal's stepson.

Hudson was spotted driving a beat up red truck in Vermont.

We looked at every single camera on that road he was spotted on, the cameras stopped when they reached private property in Maine.

Me, Pietro, Nat, Bruce, Clint, Wanda, Sam, Steve, Tony, Scott, Hope, Thor, and Loki were coming on the mission to get Scar.

"These are highly trained hydra agents, they will bring up your past or mention stuff about others that's not true. Don't let them fool you" Steve explained before giving us comms.

We landed near the private property and walked to the gate.

We broke down the electrical fence and rode our bikes in.

Clint and Nat went around a warehouse and to the roof.

Steve broke a lock with his shield before rushing in. I shot some guards while on the other floor I saw Clint shoot arrows.

Pietro sped attack people and Scott size attacked people.

Wanda used her magic to kill three guards before she got stabbed, Thor threw Mjölnir at the guard who stabbed Wanda.

"Wanda!" Pietros accent came out strong while he rushed to his sister.

"Take her to Bruce!" I yelled, Pietro nodded and sped her to the quinjet.

Some people were leaving in two black jeeps, Nat got on a bike again with Clint while and and Steve got on one as well.

Sam flew above the Jeep while Scott and Hope were with him.

The second Jeep crashed as Nat shot the driver, there were two agents in there but no Scarlett.

"I got this!" Hope said it it he comms before flying down to the keeps and sizing up.

I came next to the crony of the jeep and shot the driver making the car swerve, Hope jumped out and turned small to big before it hit a tree.

Steve and I rushed to the car, there were three hydra agents in it but no one else.

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