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I woke up in the morning and got ready for school, almost everyone except Tony was awake.

I grabbed a cup of coffee, Buck offered to drive me to school. When I got to school I met up with Ruby and my other friends. "Your brother is so hot" Ruby whispered to me, she did this a lot. "Y'know he's over 100 right?" She rolled her eyes playfully "you tell me that every time but just look at his hot he is. I would mother his children any day" she was playing with her hair as he drove away.

"He can't have any" I said with a snicker. Her smiled faded "wait- what?" She followed me when I walked away "why?" She was so confused and sad "hey it's his personal business" i put my hands up and she rolled her eyes.

I went to English class which I had first period, of course Kayla was there flirting with my boyfriend. Kayla had been my bully since I moved back to New York in 5th grade. When Wes saw me he quickly moved away from Kayla and she rolled her eyes.

I sat down in my seat next to my friend in me and Ruby's friend group. Lola, Briar, Liv, Bailey, and Nina. Wes let me hang around Briar cause 1. He's gay 2. Their also friends. "Scar can I copy your homework" Nina asked, I handed her my homework that took an hour to do >:(.

At lunch I was sitting with Briar, Lola, and Ruby. I was eating my apple when Kayla came over with her bitches. "Ew, looks like someone is being a pig" she fave me a dirty look "ew looks like someone forgot their makeup" I replied. She scoffed "at least I don't fuck my brother just to make him love you" She laughed.

I was ready to kill that girl, "actually my brother loves me you're just jealous because your own daddy doesn't even love you" I stood up and went face-to-face with her.

She slapped me across the face, Ruby and Lola's jaw dropped and they stood up as well. I pushed her "don't touch me bitch" I said "I do what ever I want slut" she pushed me back. I rolled my eyes while we argued, she grabbed some school milk from somewhere and poured it all over me. "Bitch!" I yelled while I held my shirt out and let the milk drip on the floor.

"Nah" Ruby stood up, jumped across the table and punched her in the nose so hard there was a crack. I opened my mouth in shock but then laughed while she held her bleeding nose.

Instead of attacking Ruby she full on jumped me, sat on me and punched my face over and over. I put my hands up to her neck and threw her off of me and punched her a few times before a teacher came over and pulled me off.

Another teacher grabbed Ruby and Kayla. They brought us all to the principals office "Scarlett your mom isn't picking up, is your brother available?" He asked. My eyes shot open, he was either gonna be mad at me for getting into a fight or be mad at me for breaking her face.

He took that answer as a yes and called him. Around 20 minutes later everyone guardians got there, we were all in the principals office "Mrs Johnson your daughter is being suspended for a week for bullying" "what! My daughter wouldn't do that! She is my perfect baby" Me and Ruby scoffed at that and got a look from the principal "sorry sir" I mumbled.
He showed all of us the security tapes, Mrs Johnson was holding back anger.

"Mrs Monroe your daughter is being suspended for 2 days for punching and fracturing Kayla's nose" Mrs Monroe rolled her eyes. "She was defending her friend!" She almost yelled.

Mr Cameron sighed "I know but it's the rules sorry" "Mr Barnes, your sister will have after school detention for 3 days and suspended for 2 days for getting into a fight" "a punishment for self defense?" Buck scoffed.

We walked to the car "you completely beat her up" Bucky gave me that look "sorry" I looked down. "Did you make sure your thumb was over your fingers and you didn't bend your wrist" He grabbed my hands "just a little bloody knuckles good job on winning the fight though" He gave me a high five.

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