Grad party

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^Wanda's and Scar's dresses
Scarlett's POV

The next night me, Wanda, and Pietro were getting ready for Ruby's party "wait what's the party for again?' Pietro asked. I chuckled "for us graduating school" Wanda smiled when ever I mentioned graduating.

We got into one of the Audis and drove to her house "damn she owns a whole mansion" Pietro commented while pulling into the driveway, music was blasting and cars were almost everywhere.

We walked in, Ruby hugged me, she was wearing the prettiest blue dress. Pietro smiled when he saw how happy I looked with her.

She dragged me and Wanda to the bar and got us some bud light. "Hey gurly!" Briar walked up to me and Pietro and kissed me on the cheek, Pietro gave him a look "don't worry honey, I'm gay" he patted Pietro on the shoulder.

"Oh I don't think we've officially met speedy, I'm briar— Scarlett's favorite Gay bestie" Briar smiled and I laughed "and you would be Pietro Maximoff" Briar shook his hand "yep" Pietro smiled.

Pietro took my cup from my hand and drank some of it before handing it back "where's Lola?" I asked Ruby, I had to yell a little.

"She's dancing with some boys over there" She pointed to Lola who had her phone out taking pics with boys she's hooked up with, she was a drug and sex addict.

I drank some more drinks while Wanda danced with some people and made friends. Me and Pietro danced a little before I got dragged by Nina and Liv. "Gurl he wants to ram you" Liv yelled into my ear, it was so loud in this house.

"I know" I smirked, Pietro kept looking me up and down— he loved my sparkly dress- well not the fact that the sparkles got everywhere though.

I got handed a few bloody Mary's and was getting really drunk, Lola was in the verge of being wasted. I walked over to Lola and danced with her and the boys "you're cute" a guy told me while holding onto my waist and dancing "thanks!" I smiled at him before turning around and dancing with him. Why? Cause I'm drunk out of my mind.

"You single?" He asked "I don't remember" I slurred out, he smirked at me and grabbed my torso, pulling me into him. He put his hands under my bra while my ass was rubbing on his pants.

I could see Wanda dancing with some people in the distance but couldn't remember who she was dancing with, Pietro was no where to be found.

He bit my neck and I moaned a little, he let go of me and I dance slutty like when Pietro grabbed my shoulder scaring me "hey Blondie" I stated while going close to him and putting my hands in his chest.

"Scarlett you're very drunk" He stated before grabbing my ass and my back "no I'm not" i bit my lip before backing away and walked away weirdly, I saw him shake his head before turning around.

Lola grabbed my hands and dragged me back over to the boy who was flirting with me "can I buy you a drink Beautiful" he asked, I nodded and he took me to the bar. He grabbed onto my waist and kissed my neck again before he was about to buy me a drink the guy let go of me and I heard yelling.

"Get your fucking hands off of her" Pietro yelled "wow dude chill" dude said "she's my girlfriend" Pietro went face to face with him.

"Hey stop" I walked and put my hand On Pietro's shoulder while stumbling "he was just giving me a good time"

I wish I wasn't a stupid drunk.

Pietro's face went pale and he looked hurt "she's wasted, I'll go and let you deal with it. Sorry dude, she couldn't remember if she was single or not" bro put his hands up in surrender
and walked away.

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