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We went to a cafe and got some food to eat, Pietro once again refused to let me pay. I hated when he did that, I felt bad for him spending his money on me.

We walked on the sidewalk for a little bit while he was holding my hand "Wanna go to the tower?" He asked while we turned onto a road heading to the tower "sure we heading that direction anyways"

We got to the tower and went to the common room "Hey Pietro and Scar" Steve said with a slight smile. He was eating protein bars with Sam.

Buck walked up to me and we did our handshake "I heard your trying to quit, I'm really proud Scar" He gave me a hug and I smiled "thank you" I mumbled.

Me and Pietro sat on the couch together, Tony walked in a few minutes later "we're all going on a cruise this weekend- no exceptions and Scarlett your coming as well" he sat down next to Steve.

"We're is it to?" Steve asked " Jamaica" I smiled, I loved Jamaica, I went there with Buck when I was 10.

"Oooh I know someone who's gonna make Tony broke there" Buck chuckled while I laughed "what! Who?" Tony sat up straight "me!" I raised my hand and Pietro laughed.

"She loves Jamaica more than anything" Buck scoffed "oh! I remember when you took her around 2033 and she got kicked out of a store for stealing Jamaican candy" Nat snickered.

"What! Scarlett Hutchins!" Steve gave me a look "you weren't suppose to know that!" My eyes went wide. "You are in trouble young lady" Steve almost yelled while standing up.

I rolled off the couch and quickly got up and ran down the hall to the stairs.

Steve caught up with me when i reached the top of the stairs, he grabbed me by the waist and I squealed. He threw me over his shoulder and walked me to the elevator "put me down Steeby" I groaned and he laughed.

He dropped me on the couch near Sam and Buck "Sam, Bucky" he snapped his fingers at me. Sam and Bucky quickly rushed open to me, I yelped before they started tickling and tased me.

I was laughing and trying to swat their hands away while Pietro was just laughing. "S-stop" I kept saying through laughs and snorts.

Eventually they sat down, I went to sit up when Buck took his hand and simply just pushed me back down.

"Bitch" I gave him a look "Scarlett don't call your brother a bitch" Sam flicked me on the forehead. I flinched and sat up again.


2 weeks ago I had sent my application letter to Cornell University in the mail, I was suppose to get an email if I got in today. I kept and kept on checking my emails to see.

Ruby had texted me "I got into Cornell!"
"Ong!! Congrats rubes!"
"Has yours sent yet?"
"No :/"
"Don't worry I bet you got in"
"I hope"

Later on Lola, Nina and Briar messaged the group saying they as well got into Cornell. Me, Bailey, and Liv who haven't gotten an email yet. We all have been planning to apply to Cornell since 8th grade, I was planning on going in for criminal justice. It would be hybrid school though which kinda sucked.

"Gotten your email yet?" Buck asked while I kept checking my phone "no" I sighed "don't worry I know you got accepted, your smart" he rubbed my shoulder. I smiled a little before putting my head back.

A few hours later when I was watching tiktok Pietro came in and laid down next to me "e-mail came yet" he asked before kissing me "nope" I snuggled into him.

I decided to take a nap with him and talk about useless stuff.

I was awoken by my phone buzzing 2 hours later "I got in!!" Liv texted the group chat.
"Yess!!" -Ruby
"Omg!! We're all gonna be together soon!" -Liv
"I just got accepted as well!" -Bailey
"Congrats girl!" -briar
"What about you ScarScar?" -Briar
"Still no email smh" -me
"Don't worry it's coming" -Nina
"We all know you'll get accepted, and if you don't we'll sneak you in"- Bailey
"It's online though-" -Ruby
"Then I'll secretly add her to the zoom we both doing criminal justice" -Bailey
"You'll get in trouble lmao" -me

Silent cries ||Pietro Maximoff x reader||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora