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Pietro's POV

We called the police and told them what happened, they tested the blood and it came out as B-negative which was her blood type.
(A/N now you know my blood type lmaoo)

We put up an amber alert for her.


We have been looking for Scarlett all week, no one saw her leave and the security cameras just showed a man with a hood come up, touch her, then bring her to a truck with an untraceable license plate meaning it was fake.

I was working out in the avengers compound when Fury came up to me, I grabbed a towel and looked at him confused.

"They identified the man who took Hutchins" Fury put his hands behind his back "Hudson Hutchins. Jamal Hutchins biological son. He had seen on the cameras Scarlett killing Jamal, so he went after her, he works for HYDRA"

I ran a hand threw  my sweaty hair "she killed Jamal? When?" I panted a little

"last week when she went to Arizona. She tracked him down; shot a whole round into his head and stomach, cleaned up the mess and left no fingerprints or evidence. Even used a ghost revolver" he walked up to me.
"She could be in great danger with HYDRA right now"

"SHIELD is raiding Hutchins house in Arizona as we speak." He walked out.

Wanda came out of the bathroom from a Shower a minute later and I explained to her what Fury told me.


Hill and Carter walked into the common room "no hits on Hutchins house, it was empty and looked like someone had a anger outburst before leaving and breaking a door"

"We're checking locations he's been to more than five times this month, and checking his friends. Someone did report seeing a blonde guy with Scarlett and Hudson"

He showed us a picture of the dude, he had medium length hair and a sleeve tattoo on his right arm. Scarlett was in zip ties with duck tape over her mouth, Hudson was carrying a machine gun pointing it at Scar.

"She's alive still right?" Scott asked "so far... yes" Fury didn't sound so sure.

Scarlett's POV

I got pushed into a dungeon, Sam was with Hudson. Sam was Hudson's best friend who looked 19, he had nice medium length blonde hair and a sleeve tattoo with an eyebrow piercing.

I took the duck tape off of my face and panted a little before going to the cell bars "let me out you bastards!" I screamed while running up to the cell and shaking it "we're going to make you feel the pain you deserve! You killed my Father!" Hudson yelled while pointed a knife at me.

"He killed my mother and my step mother! He took over the identity of my real father and gave me up to hydra! And you think I'm the bad guy?!" I screamed "he had reasons" Sam yelled annoyed "well so did I asshats!" I slapped the cell and slid down the wall.

"Shut up!" Sam yelled before walking up to the cell. "I'm not listening to you!" I yelled.

"Ahhhh" Sam groaned and flipped me off before walking away, I flipped him off too and sat on the cold concrete floor.


A few hours later Hudson and Sam had came back from somewhere, they smelt like gunpowder and beer. Hudson came up to the cell door "how did my dad kill your mom?" He asked.

"She cheated on him, and when he found out some agents took her. Jamal wanted to kill me but traded me for money" I stood up.

"How much were you worth?" Hudson but his lip "I don't know, half a million? Somewhere around there" I shrugged.

Silent cries ||Pietro Maximoff x reader||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt