"Certainly. Uh, may I?" he asks me hesitantly, wanting to take Y/N from me for a quick hug.

"Y/N, you wanna give uncle Viz a hug before bed?" I ask her quietly, she then leans over from where she is in my arms and allows Vision to hold her. "This is adorable, let me take a photo," I tell them, whipping my phone out of my pocket and snapping a quick picture of them before putting it back and taking the tiny redhead back.

When we've made our way upstairs and into the guest room (which has basically been appointed as Y/N's room for whenever she comes to stay) I place her down on the bed so I can search for some pajamas that she has left in here.

Nat packed her a small suitcase for the essentials that we don't have in our house, but a lot of her belongings are here on account of her either forgetting to take them home, or if we just decide to keep them for the next time she's here.

Seriously - we have stuffed animals, bedding, clothes, toothbrushes, and all sorts here of Y/N's. Anyone else who comes to stay has to sleep in the other guest room.

"Y/N, do you want the pink pajamas with hearts on or the white pajamas with bears on?" I question, turning around to look at the child who's practically already half asleep.

"Pink, please," she replies groggily, eyes shutting.

"Try to stay awake for a little while longer, darling. We still have to brush your teeth."

"Mom!" I hear a loud voice say, along with footsteps running into the room. Y/N instantly shoots up upon hearing Billy's call of my name.

Well, that's one way of keeping her awake.

"Inside voices, buddy," I scold him lightly, halfway through putting Y/N's pajama top on. "Are you okay, honey?" I ask my son.

"Tommy took the Xbox controller off me and we can't find the other one," he whines, and then Tommy rushes over.

"Did not!" he defends himself, earning a shove from Billy who quickly gets the same treatment.

"Boys!" I say sternly, not yet raising my voice. They stop hitting each other and look at me. "We don't hit in this family, you know that. If you can't find the other controller and share the one you have, then I suggest you find something else to do that doesn't involve a controller and I can help you find the other one tomorrow. Please don't use violence to get your way."

Guiltily, they both nod their heads and walk off, shutting the door behind them.

I thought Vision was meant to be dealing with those two.

Before Y/N can fall asleep, I hurriedly finish getting her changed and walk with her into the bathroom so I can fish out her toothbrush from one of the drawers.

When her teeth are brushed and I've wiped down her face with a wet washcloth, Y/N looks just about ready to get some shut-eye so I walk her over to her bed and gently lay her down and tuck her in.

"You got everything you need, hon? Do you have your ducky?" I ask, referring to her stuffed duck that she's had ever since she was a baby.

"Mhm," she hums, "Auntie Wanda, can you cuddle me for a little while?"

"Of course." Pulling up the covers slightly, I shuffle my way into the double bed and settle myself down next to Y/N, she immediately places her head on my chest and closes her eyes. "Goodnight, little one. I love you."

"Love you, Auntie Wands."

And just like that, she's out like a light.


The sun shining through the curtains wake me up on this fine morning.

I must've fallen asleep in Y/N's bed given that I'm still in the exact same position as I was last night, except now she's fully on top of me with her head resting on my stomach.

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