'hello! i'm kenyu yukimiya. it's an honour to meet you, i can't believe you're mr l/n's daughter!' y/n was too entranced by the man's ethereal features that she didn't even realise he'd begun to talk to her. upon realisation (thanks to reo's awkward nudging on her shoulder) she slurred a greeting back, mentally slapping herself and wishing to dissolve on the concrete floor.

the other players introduced themselves as nikko, karasu and zentetsu. but, before she could get acquainted well enough with any of them, the door opened loudly, indicating the entrance of another.

a tall man entered, he had white, messy hair that was spiked up as if he'd been electrocuted. he had a wickedly dangerous smile on his face—a sort of warning to y/n, telling her that he was trouble.

'that's shidou ryusei, he's one of our best players but he's kinda a narcissist,' reo informed her. 'i don't like him,' grumbled nagi.

shidou's garish pink eyes landed on the newcomer and a smirk was forming on the corner of one side of his lips. he trudged over to the woman, bending his head down a bit to be at an eye-level with her.

'so! who are you?' he inquired, the same smile on his face. 'y/n l/n,' she spoke, maintaining eye-contact with him.

his eyes widened in shock, 'the coach's daughter? i reckon you're good at soccer then?' he asked further. his second question made y/n want to run far away from him.

y/n wasn't given a chance to answer as shidou froze in his place due to a hand being placed on his shoulder by another team member: 'c'mon now, ryu, why're you trying to scare off the girl, hmm?' the voice belonged to kenyu.

'don't call me ryu!' he exclaimed, swatting the man's hand away and moving towards the center of the field for warm-ups.

'sorry about that, he's a little intimidating at first but once you get to know him...' kenyu trailed off, staring at the distance. 'anyways! you're just here to watch, right?' he quickly changed the subject. y/n replied with a yes and moved towards the benches so she could watch and observe their play from afar.

as she walked, she noticed a player that she hadn't seen before. the player had a strong, toned body and dark black hair that reminded her of a void. he also had shockingly teal eyes. he looked serious.

reo was trailing behind her to make sure his guest was being comfortable, y/n turned to him to ask about the mysterious player.

'itoshi rin, he's our captain,' reo informed her. even though she had just met him, she could immediately tell why he was chosen for such a position.

a whistle blew and a familiar looking man entered the view—y/n father.

'right so, that's my cue. anyways, hope this'll make you realise that we're the best team ever,' reo smiled.

'we'll see about that,' y/n remarked as reo left the benches and went ahead to assemble in-front with the other players.

she'll finally get to see if the team truly lived up to it's hype.


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a/n; genuine question, did you guys believe that the paragraph 'the most beautiful man she'd ever seen...' was about rin and didn't expect it to be about kenyu?

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