Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 4 (New)

Start from the beginning

20 Valiant Class super heavy cruisers. 8km Long. One of the Most powerful IMC Naval ships. Can stand up to a Grand Cruiser/battleship and come out relatively OK for a ship of its size. Anything less than an an enemy assault carrier Isn't even going to scratch the damn thing, and it doesn't have shields. 20 Breakwater Coilguns, two Super MACs, 1000 multi-purpose missile silos, that can launch plasma, Conventional, and cluster munitions as well, and 500 Sentry autocannons.

25 Glaive Ultra-Destroyers (enhanced with Forerunner and Promethean tech), Sacrifices hangar for more weapons and armor, this thing has so many archer missiles and coil guns it's not even funny, not to mention armor, armor, and more armor

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25 Glaive Ultra-Destroyers (enhanced with Forerunner and Promethean tech), Sacrifices hangar for more weapons and armor, this thing has so many archer missiles and coil guns it's not even funny, not to mention armor, armor, and more armor. 3km long. Also has a super-MAC to annihilate enemy capital ship formations. 100 Sentry auto cannons, 60 Multi-purpose Missile pods)

8 Thanatos Class Battleships, 20km long, three Super MAC cannons, 100 "Breakwater" Coilguns, and 1000 Sentry auto cannons, 2,000 multi-purpose missile silos

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8 Thanatos Class Battleships, 20km long, three Super MAC cannons, 100 "Breakwater" Coilguns, and 1000 Sentry auto cannons, 2,000 multi-purpose missile silos. sacrifices most hangar space for more guns, it was built for was and nothing else. It also has Turreted MAC batteries, that can easily cripple enemy escorts and can also be used as point defense.

These are the ships that dock inside and outside, now for purely outside anchorages.

These are the ships that dock inside and outside, now for purely outside anchorages

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40 Lance class Missile destroyers (In Halo canon these are actually Prowlers). These guys have 14 Sentry autocannons, but their main strength is hunting down frigates, corvettes, and other destroyer, it has No MAC, Afterburners Sacrifices all hangar space for more Armor and Archer Missile silos. 3km long. 1,500 Multi-Purpose Munitions Silos (can launch AA cluster missiles, Anti capital ship plasma Torpedos, or regular Archer Missiles)
(can go as fast as a corvette due to afterburners, to avoid getting hit by capital ship spinal mount weapons, or Lance batteries (like the Breakwater Coilguns)
Frigates, Corvettes, and other destroyers have difficulty fighting them due to speed, amount of ordinance, and how armored it is.
(Oftentimes due to them having custom anchorages, enemies think that a giant torpedo is launched from the anchorage, at least until said torpedo begins to fire on them and change course).

(Oftentimes due to them having custom anchorages, enemies think that a giant torpedo is launched from the anchorage, at least until said torpedo begins to fire on them and change course)

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50 Modified Raider II class corvettes, now named "Scythe" Class Imperial Corvettes

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50 Modified Raider II class corvettes, now named "Scythe" Class Imperial Corvettes. (Though to the Imperium, even the modified design is a sloop) Modified to Imperial (Imperium Imperial, not Star Wars) Standards. Equipped with 10 multi-purpose Munitions Silos, the same kind on the Lance class missile destroyers, and 30 hard point mounted Pulse-laser point defense batteries. They can retract into the hull, or stay out. Given Imperial Voidshields. Typically used for transport of entire battalions or Armor Units, or to Support capital ships and Frigate Wolfpacks. Modified design is double the length of the original, at 300 meters. Scythes land on massive outer Landing pads, rather than Anchorages, due to their "small" size.

Gancaster has a Direct Link to the Immaterium/Warp, so Reinforcements may use the internal Transporters/teleportation relays (these require lots of power, so are usually only used in Capital ships or super capital ships)(also, even for all the technological might of the Imperium, they are rare, and only a few exist, all of which are in either Flagships, or Specially modified ships, like the Gancaster. The Relay essentially makes Gancaster near self sufficient, and the reason they are so rare is because it is essentially a portable, miniaturized Warp-drive) to transport supplies or Reinforcements, Gancaster is essentially a Giant, Armored, and very heavily armed, invasion FOB. For what Invasion? You'll find out later.

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