Chapter 5- Escape

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Rubab was laying on the bed like a lifeless doll. Her face was almost white as a sheet. The tips of her fingers turned blue and the temperature of her body was extremely low. It seemed like she was brought back from a freezer.

The doctor was busy examining her. He was checking her blood pressure while the man and Rahella bi shared an unexplainable look. 

Surely, Rahella bi was irritated. Her bored eyes were fixed on Rubab's pale face. She rolled her eyes exhaling some air.

But, the man seemed a bit troubled. His dark brown eyes were fixed on Rubab. It was difficult to explain why he was bothered. Was he worried for her? Maybe or maybe not. 

" She has low blood pressure," The doctor finished checking Rubab. 

Standing up he straightened his shirt and raised his eyes at the man.

Clearing his throat, he suggested," It would be great if you bring her to the hospital. I need to run some tests on her and only then I can confirm what's exactly wrong with her."

" No," The man gave a short reply.

The doctor frowned his brows a little bit. Rahella bi seemed uninterested in their business. She stormed outside having a dramatic long yawn.

" Why?" The doctor questioned sounding a bit suspicious. He doesn't know why he felt that he has seen Rubab somewhere.

It didn't take hours for the doctor to realize where did he see her. The moment he understood everything it was late already. The doctor enlarged his eyes and swallowed down nervously catching sight of a gun pointing right between his eyes.

Well, the doctor saw Rubab's picture on social media platforms. Since her abduction the news of her kidnapping started circulating everywhere. People were criticizing the authority every single day. People were questioning about their safety. How can someone dare to kidnap a girl in broad daylight.

While some people were questioning their safety, some people were analyzing Rubab's character. There would be a lot of nasty comments in the posts that were regarding Rubab's missing. 

" You will keep your mouth shut, won't you?" the man asked for confirmation.

His threatening voice was enough for the doctor to agree instantly. The man's lips curled upwards forming into a devilish grin. His dark brown orbs blinked with satisfaction.

" I have thousands of eyes apart from the two that are currently staring at you. I bet you are intelligent enough to understand my words," The man raised one of his brows. The doctor did not miss the menace in his voice.

The doctor shuddered," Ye.....Yeah...... Can.... I go?"

His voice came out like a whisper. He was already sweating. At first, he thought to go to the police and be a responsible citizen of this country but he loves his life. He doesn't want to get into any trouble so he decided to keep his mouth shut. 

" Sure," The man let out a chuckle lowering the gun.

When the doctor left, the man sighed. He did not take Rubab to the hospital because it may expose him. He has zero empathy for Rubab and her health situation. She is breathing. That's enough. If he gets exposed now then what will happen to his goal regarding her. He wants to see her ruined but slowly. So that she can feel the sorrow, heartache and deep anguish.

Forwarding his legs towards the bed he stood there observing Rubab's face. Unknowingly he took a sit beside her. His fingers caressed her cheeks. Her skin was soft as any silk.

His dark brown orbs caught her pink plump lips. He did not hesitate to run his thumb on her lips. A sudden urge to suck the hell out them clouded his mind.

" Patience!" he controlled himself rubbing the tender flesh of her.

" Tonight she will be writhing under me again. Why being so impatient!" he let out a smile of mockery.

He kept on observing her. Her beauty was surreal. Even in this unconscious state she was looking like an adorable doll. Any man would fell for this beauty and he was no exception. But, it's an irony that he is on the mission to ruin this beauty.

He might be attracted to her but there was something that always erputs inside him whenever he sees her. Anger and despise.

According to him, she has an ugly face behind the facade of this beautiful face. She is a self centred bitch who can go any length for her own interest. He wasn't a fool to be weak for her. He would use her until he was satisfied and throw her out like the used product she was.

" Sleep tight, my sleeping beauty. Because tonight you will be getting anything but sleep," The man laughed like a devil leaning close to her face. 

His lips touched her right cheek. She was smelling nice. If she was awake she may have thrown up already. It was good that she was unconscious.



Rubab heard the same voice. She tilted her head gripping the bed sheet. Her brows curled with confusion though she hadn't opened her eyes yet.

Rose. Do you remember me?

Her breathing became abnormal. She was already drenching in her own sweat. She saw a few glimpses of a man with dark brown eyes. Does she know him? She wondered. 

It's me. Da.............

Rubab's eyes snapped opened. Her chest heaved up and down in an abnormal race. What was that? A dream. Who was that man? She couldn't recall. She dived into her memory but there was no trace of him. Why was she having dreams of a stranger? She wonder.

Placing her hand on her chest she rubbed it slowly. Her eyes traveled around the place where she was laying. Her eyes stung the moment she realized she was still in the clutch of her abductor. 

" What's happening with me?" She questioned herself but didn't get any response.

Rubab was figuring out what she should do when Rahella bi entered the room. Seeing Rubab awake the woman didn't bother to ask her how she was feeling? Giving Rubab a boring glare she started collecting the handcuff, blindfold and ropes from the drawers.

At first, Rubab looked at Rahella bi and then the door. It was open. Yes, that's an opportunity to escape this place. Rubab felt her heart pounding inside her ribcage. She kept observing Rahella bi silently. She was waiting for the right time.

" What a pathetic job I have gotten!" Rahella bi shook her head in annoyance proceeding to tie Rubab's hands.

Rubab got the right opportunity she has been waiting for. Grabbing the handcuff she raised her hand in the air striking right across Rahella bi's forehead. Her skin slashed open letting the blood flow straight down her face.

Rahella cried out in pain. Before she could call someone Rubab grabbed a napkin and shoved it inside Rahella's mouth. The next moments she handcuffed Rahella. Following that she bound Rahella's legs with ropes.

Rahella tried to wriggle. As a result she fell to the ground. She started slithering on the ground glaring at Rubab. Her muffled sound echoed in the whole room.

" I swear I am gonna throw you behind the bar," Rubab snapped at Rahella. She was disgusted to look at this woman.

Rubab strode outside the room with the hope of returning to her house. Tears streamed down her cheeks just imagining that she will be seeing her family soon. How much she has missed them. How much she has craved for her mother's warm embrace.

She thought she will be freed but do we get what we want always. Do we know what Destiny has stored for us?

Note- Will Rubab succeed in her escape attempt?

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