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The Next Day

At school

Sitting in the study room Dawood was writing something in Arabic in his notebook. He and Ruhi were reading but all of a sudden Ruhi got a call from their chemistry teacher. So, she went to meet the teacher while Dawood decided to write a few pages of his novel. He has been working on this novel for the last one year. He wishes to translate it into several languages and publish it in different countries.

Dawood was startled by a melodious girly voice. " You know Arabic?" the voice sounded amused.

Dawood raised his eyes to see who it was. He thought it was Ruhi but to his utter disappointment, it was none other than Rubab. He took a good look at her from head to toe. He noticed her holding the physics book. Sparing her a boring glare he concentrated back on his novel.

Rubab tried to start a conversation," What are a writing?"

Dawood put his pen down with a bang on the table. Making an annoyed expression he raises his eyes at her. He wasn't interested to talk to her.

" What do you want?" he sounded straightforward.

Rubab questioned back," Why did you block me on Facebook?"

" My account. My rules," Dawood answered. He sounded pissed off. Her presence was making him sick so he started preparing to leave. 

Rubab said," Look, I am sorry for whatever happened earlier." Her voice was soft and full of guilt but Dawood wasn't ready to fall for her sweet words.

" I shouldn't have behaved like a bitch to you. I am sorry. Since we are reading in the same class we shouldn't be keeping this bitterness between us," Rubab tried to sound reasonable but Dawood wasn't interested even a bit.

He forwarded his legs to leave but Rubab grabbed his wrist. He looked at her questioningly. He didn't understand why all of a sudden she was being so desperate to talk to him.

" Dawood, I am sorry," Rubab apologized again. " Whatever happened I am ashamed of it. Actually, I didn't want to bully you. It was Saad who provoked me," She sounded extremely guilty though it was a lie that Saad provoked her. It was her idea to bully Dawood because she feels sadistic pleasure in bullying other students.

Dawood jerked away her hand," I am not interested in hearing your useless apologies. Just leave me alone. Don't waste my time."

" I like you," Rubab confess without any hesitation.

Dawood was taken aback by her words. He did not understand what she meant that she likes him. However, he felt his heartbeat increase abruptly because of her words.

" What.... mean?" Dawood shuttered.

Rubab took a step forward-looking deep into Dawood's eyes. He took a step backwards. The way she was approaching, he felt his palms sweating.

" I like you a lot, Dawood. Let's be friends," Rubab said lowering her voice.

Dawood became nervous at the immediacy between them however he overcame this awkwardness quickly. He backed away from her.

" Don't bother me," He said before storming outside the study room. 


Dawood just sat at the dining table to have lunch. His mother was not at home so he was eating alone. He was just swallowing food because his mind was occupied by Rubab. Is this some kind of new game of her to humiliate him?

He kept thinking about her but could not conclude anything at all. The sudden change in her behaviour was alarming. The sentence ' I Like You ' kept ringing inside his mind nonstop. What did she mean by that? Was she asking for friendship only or there was something else?

" Fuck!" Dawood choked on his food.

Drinking a glass of water he mumbled," I should just focus on my studies."

After finishing his food Dawood started cleaning the dishes in the kitchen. However, a call on his phone startled him. He looked at the phone screen while still cleaning the dishes. It was one of his classmates.

" Hello, Saboor," Dawood received the call after finishing his work.

Saboor said," Dawood, can you meet me at the ' X ' park after some hours?"

" Why? Is everything alright?" Dawood sounded curious.

Saboor chuckled," Nothing serious. It's just I wanted to give you something. I wanted to thank you for helping me with the study."

" Come on, Saboor. Chill!" Dawood sounded embarrassed. " We are friends. Why act so formal? There is no need for a gift," Dawood answered but Saboor kept insisting on him.

Finally, Dawood agreed to meet Saboor and disconnected the call. Everything seemed odd to him but he thought he was just overthinking.

On the other hand, Rubab gave Saboor one of her most expensive bracelets when the call was disconnected. Saboor's eyes sparked with happiness while taking that bracelet. Rubab heard Saboor and Dawood's conversation since the call was on speaker.

" Thanks, Saboor," Rubab thanked. " Don't hesitate if you need anything in future," Rubab rested one of her hands on Saboor's shoulder.

Saboor showed her teeth," Thank you so much, Rubab."

" When I am getting the money?" she added.

Rubab chuckled pulling Saboor's cheek," Once I succeed in my plan."


Dawood reached the park where Saboor told him to come. He started feeling weird to see that the park was pretty empty. Except for him, there was no one.

He tried to contact Saboor but her phone was switched off. He kept trying to call her but his attempts went in vain. He was getting annoyed by all this. How could she make him wait while inviting him in the first place? 

All of a sudden, Dawood felt a presence behind him. Turning his head behind, he was dumbfounded. He thought it will be Saboor but the person was none other than Rubab.

Dawood was already stunned by Rubab's presence but he couldn't understand why she was dressed so nicely. She was wearing a black colour Anarkali dress with long earrings. Her silky smooth hair was divided into partitions. Both of those partitions were placed on her chest and she was touching her hair from time to time. The natural makeup on her face enhanced her beauty to another level.

Dawood was awestruck. For a few seconds, he could not even blink his eyes. His eyes were stuck on her smiling face.

" You?" Dawood shuttered. 

Rubab confessed," I love you, Dawood."

Before he could answer anything or even take a breath, he felt a pair of warm lips against his lips. His breath hitched and his mind stopped working. He did not understand what was happening. He couldn't be sure if it was a dream or reality. Every single cell of his body froze at her passionate kiss.

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